The Maneuvers | When Two Force Met


It is time for the weekly battlemage challenge where splinterlands players can showcase their strategy in winning battles based on the general ruleset given for the week, this week we have the Maneuvers ruleset which give all melee cards the reach ability, on a norms, melee cards don't have the chance to attack from any other position except the first position unless they have abilities like sneak, opportunity, charge ability (which is new) or reach which allow them attack once they reach the second position. If you are planning to follow the maneuvers ruleset, that means you have to use other melee cards without reach in the second position so they can have the reach ability.

Most of the time, I always prefer my magic strategy over melee so I first of all check out the other ruleset combo to see which one I will follow or which strategy to obey. I had this particular battle with Ding, it was capped at 32 mana and we had this 3 ruleset Born again which give all cards the rebirth ability, we have Maneuvers which is the main ruleset and lastly was the Close range which allow range monster cards to attack in the front position, the interesting part was we can pick any element except earth and dragon so after thinking through, I decided to pick the death element while carefully selecting which monster cards to use.

Screenshot 2024-06-28 at 19.58.49.png

battle link

After picking Crypt Mancer as my summoner with -1 melee, -1 health and -1 speed on all opponent monster cards, I decided to picked the following cards, Lvl 8 Pelacor Deceiver and then added Cursed Windeku to the second position to take the Manuever ability as melee card. I picked Silent Sha-VI with the sneak ability to attack the backline then Phantom Soldiers as my only magic cards, then Uraeus with the sneak and poision ability and Furious chicken to take the last position then I submitted the battle.

My opponent came with almost the same techniques but pick range card with 2 non attacking cards, I don't really know what he was thinking but I think he forgot to pick a weapon training cards to train his non attacking cards. It was like a 4 against 5 kind of battle which gave me extra advantage against him since I also get to reduce his melee attacks and can also poison him from behind. The battle really lasted for like 7 rounds with each of us taking turn to destroy each other cards just to know who will survive to the very end which I did and won the battle. Check this out through the battle link


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