The Juicy Season Chest Rewards | Got 3x Gf Berix Snakeye

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The season is finally over and I can say it is my best season ever after opening the season chest I accumulated this season, at first the season wasn't going well though even though I decided to stay in the sliver league just to battle and join the leaderboard this time around it was all just an imagination because just playing the game to increase your rating is one part and competing for the leaderboard position is another part entirely, I really give kudos to those that rank on the leaderboard, they are really doing a great job. After trying out different strategy and renting cards, I still fell behind and didn't even bother to even rank up back to gold league, when I saw the time finally count down to zero, I was like pweeh let me see the shitty rewards i will be getting this time around. Opening the chest and just placing my mouse around to see if there will be a dancing chest at first, I really jump for joy when I saw the 3rd chests dancing and I decided to open all together and there it was, a legendary Berix Snakeye, It thought it was just a normal leg card until that shining gold colour came out.

I got 3x Berix Snakeye, this is really my best reward so far, I know how much legendary gold foil cards worth, since it is a soulbond cards, it might be scares and that might shoot up the price, maybe with hope it will worth around 80$ at least, and checking out the stats, I only need 4 of it to max the cards and I have 3 already. I have to keep rechecking it for a while just to know if It is not just an imagination.

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Checking out the stats alone is joy giving even though it is a range monster card which cant always attack as a frontline except there is a close range card attached to it, but the 8 amour and the void amour make it interesting to use since they cant attack it health directly unless they destroy the amour, also it is a weapon training card which give non attacking cards the chance to start attacking when paired to it, an oppress ability that deal double damage to a non attacking cards and lastly is the true strike which prevent it from missing their targets. This cards is really a spec, like the real deal.

I had to test how powerful the card is in one of my battle with heymyster in a 40 mana cap with the healed out ruleset where there wont be any form of healing in the battle and we could pick from any element except earth and death element. I had to pick dragon element paired with life and use the summoner that allow gladiators, so I picked Imperial knight as my frontline with void amour to hold the position strong, then I use two magic cards djinn renova and captain katie with the bloodlust ability. Since I want to use Berix Snakeye with the weapon training ability, I paired it with 2 non attacking cards adjacent to it kra'ra xoc and pelacor conjurer so they could get the 2+ range attacks.

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battle link

The battle really ended in 5 round and it was really interesting, I even thought the bloodlust ability will be activated but it didn't on both sides and I was able to destroy his cards till it bring up his range cards and he wasn't able to attack again and I won the battle easily.


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