The Akane Power | Trying Out The Ambush Over Outlook


The rate at which people are really trying to get use to most of these rebellion cards and checking out which and which will work together ehn, as a sharp user we have to quickly follow the trend as soon as someone mention which and which is working or the next badass cards/abilities. This week, akane which is the dragon tactical summoner from the rebellion set was mentioned and I had to watch some of the gameplay of this cards and was amazed with the abilities attached to it that I had to check it out, Firstly I had to rent it from the rental market section since I don't have it and as a gold league player, it cost me around 179 dec per day which is of average and the price is around 33$ per 1. This card have 2 abilities attached to it First is the "Outlook" which is given to one friendly card and this card reduce by 1 any damage the adjacent monster cards received from opponent snipe, sneak or opportunity ability monster cards.

The second ability is the ambush ability which I love the most, you give this ability to two of you monster cards before the game start and this allow the cards to deal damage to the opponent cards before the whole match start. I just love this ability due to the way I do make use of it, I always like using it on cards that have more damage impact with extra side effects especially cards with blast ability, this will make the cards to deal damage to some of my opponent cards and it do work a lot especially when I have high mana battle with dragon element as an option. Also I do tag it majorly on magic monster cards since they can deal damage to health directly and the major aim is to destroy or weaken opponent cards for easy win.

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battle link to watch

The first one I had was with solarwarrior in a 50 mana capped battle and with 3 main rule, heavy hitters that give all cards the knockout ability, noxious fume that poison all cards each round and lastly is the Born again that give them the rebirth ability. Since I saw dragon element I had to pick it and pair it with death element and also pick my cards, I make sure I placed the ambush ability on chaos dragon with blast ability and also phantom soldiers with +3 magic attack. The first extra attack really weaken is cards and within two round I was able to destroy 4 of his cards which came back alive with 1 health and I had to kill them again but his card redemption almost weaken me to but I have able to destroy other 2 cards on time to win the battle.

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battle link to watch

This part I was really skeptical about I need to select in this battle because we aren't allowed to use most of the cards, we had 38 mana capped and also the rule set given which is close range that allow range cards to fight in the frontline position, equalizer that equalize all monster health and also lost legendaries which remove all legendary cards. I went with dragon paired with water element and also picked the ambush ability which I place on my magic cards. This battle almost seems hard since my opponent use lily shieldpaw to give his cards the camouflage so I had to start destroying cards one by one which he can attack any of my cards.

Thanks to my magic cards, I had to omit most of his card that have armour cards, if not I would be at a huge disadvantage, he kept on healing his health and also using the repair ability to repair the armour but my selection have enough counter ability to prevent him from doing certain things (Affliction and stun abilities). I was able to win at round 9, Akane is really a good summoner to use in battle and it work like magic, just hope I could get it in my collection as soon as possible.


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