Keeping Your Distance | Trying A New Strategy

The end of the season is here already and currently remain just 1day 20hours so say goodbye and usher in a new season, on my part here, it has been amazing so far, earning close to 1.2 sps per win look juicy enough unlike other season, I think this season earnings got buffed somehow and I'm gradually gathering the sps in my stake section and with time the amount of sps I rent will be reducing. Battles this week is somehow though and I'm still moving up and down Gold 1 league with the hope of breaking into diamond 3 anytime soon even if it is at the last minutes, I just want to find myself there and at least buff my next season rewards since there are some soul bound cards I wish to have but I'm have not received them yet, who knows the higher the league the juicy the rewards.



This week splinterlands battle mage challenge theme is about Keep Your Distance rule set which prevent players from making use of melee attacking monster cards in battle, this give you the chance to flex your muscles and make use of your magic, range or non-attacking monster cards, on a normal day, players rarely make use of non-attacking monster cards in battle because at times they aren't useful unless they have a useful countering ability and also healing to make them stronger in battle but in this rule set you are free, but just that the rule set doesn't only prevent melee attacking cards, it also prevent double attacking cards that have melee in them unlike other rules that accept them so this prevent cards like quora towershead in this kind of battle. In this ruleset there are lot of counter measures to put in place so as to have added advantage over your opponent, you will want to deal some damage back to your opponent cards. We have the Reflect abilities like the magic reflect that deal damage back to magic attackers and also Return fire that deal damage back to range cards, while there are also abilities that can help you reduce the damages you receive from this cards which include Phase, Void, Void Armor, Shield just to make the battle interesting and there are some certain summoners or cards with this abilities.

I was able to see the rule set in battle with one opponent measurexx with 3 main rule sets which include Lost legendaries which prevent users from using legendary cards in the battle, Keep your distance which is the main rule set and lastly is the Reverse speed which allow cards with the lowest speed to attack first, we had 36 mana capped and we could pick from any element apart from fire and earth element.

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battle link

In this kind of battle, I always love to pick the water element because I have some good magic cards there but this time around I decide to use dragon and paired it with water element, so I picked Lily Shieldpaw mainly because of the camouflage ability just to take a new strategy, this camouflage wont allow opponent to settle my cards except they are in the first position unless there is scattershot present. So I picked Kelp Initiate a non attacking card with the cleanse ability which I rarely use in battle then Nerissa Tridawn which is one of the stronger high stat magic card with 4 magic attack even though there is no ability attacked to it, then I use Captain Ghost with the affliction and oppress ability, Venari Wavesmith with the dispel and protect ability but to me it is an average card and lastly is Gargoya Devil which is one of the range cards with the close range ability which allow it to attack even in the first position. To be honest, I don't know what made me use this cards this time but I just want to see how it will play out.

He decide to came up with level one summoner with void amour which limit his cards and also made me to attack amour first before the health, seeing the level 1 card first gave me one smile because that is my first advantage since all his cards have weak attacks and health, but this setup was kinda strong because of the void amour and it was a slight chance win, you will love to check it out.


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