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Battle Mage | The Equal Opportunitist Buffed


image from splinterland post

I kind of love the rule set chosen for this week splinterlands battle mage challenge which is the Equal Opportunity which is one of the rule set I do look forwards too and that is because of the effects it has on melee monster cards. It is known that melee cards can only attack in the front postion except if the rule set state otherwise or if the melee hae the sneak ability, having the opportunity ability also give this card the same chance to attack but instead it attack the opponent card with the lowest health.

All units gain the Opportunity ability which allows them to attack the unit with the lowest health on the enemy team.

There are things I love doing when I came across this rule set in battles, I try to use more strong melee cards with good abilities and most times piercing incase my opponent is using cards with enough amour stat and also I make sure my healing monster cards aren't far away

Taking A Look At My Set up

Battle link

This battle is actually an interesting one since we both decided to full show what we will do in the equal opportunity state,I had this battle with dannynehill in a 36 mana capped match with the Equal opportunity rule set and the heavy hitters ruleset which give all monster cards the knock out ability which only get activated anytime we hit a stunned cards and damage dealt will be doubled. I rarely see this kind of ability got activated since we rarely use the stunned ability in lower league battles so I wasn't really bothered about it since my focus was on equal opportunity, we weren't giving more chance to choose any element we want but could only pick from fire, life or dragon. Based on the mana capped which is of average to me, I couldn't use fire element since I have jacek as summoner that will give me the piercing ability I need If I want to use all melee in fire plus the other issue was that most of my fire strong melee cards have high mana capped so it wont give me that chance, so I pick up life element to perform the wonders.

How I set up my monster was actually amazing because I decided to buff it up using the martyr abilities, first of all, I already start using Imperial Knight since i level it up to 5 and it has the healing ability with void amour, this is even more better that using uriel most times, so I put markrats next to it which placing luminous eagle beside it, because of the rule set, I make sure markrats is the lowest health monster on my team so they can easily target and destroy and once the martyr is activated, it will buff knight and eagle, and it work really well. Then I decided to use one magic card which is Djinn Renova with the strengthen ability to add extra health then chaos knight and lastly crystalsmith with the tank heal ability to heal my tank and make it last long in battle.

Just as I predicted, my opponent came up with only melee cards but since they are in level one with low speed, that gave me high chance over them and I attacked first dealing damages ahead and also destroying some of his cards. If we were in the same level, he might have the chances to even deal with my cards and destroy them but bringing in lvl 1 card against this setup is a no no. I will always use this over and over again in this kind of situation and I hope he do better next time.