An Easy Guess Battle | The Armoured Up Ruleset


It is time for another weekly battle mage challenge and before that the social challenge for the week was really a blast and full of lot of information especially for beginners, there are tips, strategies and lot more to gain and it is highly recommend to go through the whole page to read through what people had to share. This week battle mage theme was one of a kind and it is the Armoured up rule set which give all monster card +2 armour, armour are always useful in the game because they prevent direct health attack from opponent melee or range monster cards, only magic can neglect armour and also there are some abilities that take away such armour like shatter, piercing and also you can make it more useful by using the void armour ability.

I was able to see a battle which I had with untzuntzuntz with some ruleset that really work hand in hand, it is a battle with 43 mana capped which is more than enough to flex our muscles and pick any card of our choice so I had to check the rule set so as to know which card I will be selecting, we had the super sneak ruleset which give all monster card the sneak ability (strong melee are really useful since they can attack from any position), we have earthquake rule set which deal -2 damage to any monster card without the flying ability and lastly is the armoured up which give +2 armour to all monster cards. To me this 3 rule set really work hand in hand and if played well will give you some advantages and lastly we get to pick between earth, life and death element.

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battle link

With most of my battle experience since I started playing the game, it is really obvious to pinpoint what my opponent might be bringing on board, the 1st and 3rd rule set gave me an hint my opponent might be using only melee cards since they can now attack from any position and the earthquake gave the hint he will use flying cards. So I picked death element and use the summoner that can take away -1 melee attack from him. Selecting my cards I used Cursed windeku as my frontline since it can heal up and also have the thorn ability, I know it will receive less damage, I still need magic cards so I picked phantom Solider with 3 good ability and also Prismatic energy to deal the direct health damage and with their health, they can stay longer in battle. I also decided to two extra melee damage destroyer (demoralize ability) so I picked legionnaire alvar and harklaw but I make sure harklaw took the backline with the shield ability so it can reduce the damage received and don't forget I have 3 demoralizer in place so there is high possibility that his melee cards will be useless in this battle

I was satisfied with my selection so I submitted the battle and to crown it all, my instinct was right, he came in with all melee cards and boom I knew I have more advantage over him. Even when his summoner is level 4 based, he still make some awful decision that can be guess easily, I beat him hands down and only the earthquake made me lost some of my cards if not all my card will be complete. What do you think about this strategy based on the ruleset given?


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