Erase that word!

Hello people, it's been lovely all day as I know we are all anticipating the new year's Eve. There's gonna be lots of celebration and joy in many families.

As the new year comes, well all be looking forward to better things than there was in the previous year because I believe everyone likes good things

For the past week I've been experiencing some challenges that at times I feel like giving up and just wondering why I exist but then courage and patience always find me at the right time.


It seems like they communicate to me whenever I'm down, the challenges have been many and I have a lot to tackle all by myself. I've been lost, frustrated but try not to act like it and giving up was the only word that was left in my dictionary looking at me right in the face.

I almost gave up till I realized I'll be doing myself more harm than good. Giving up has never been an option to any problem rather it worsens the situation and brings total depression.

I had to delete that word "Give up". I really had to so that I bounce back real quick because if I let it take over, it would mar all my efforts and render me useless.

There are lots of people going through one hell or the other and feel like giving up but sometimes try harder. It's not because they are too strong but because they believe things will get better.

I pray that anyone that has been going through any difficulty of any sort this year and month will scale through and be happy in the coming year.

Finance is not the only thing that gives happiness, there are other things attached that make one happy, someone may have money but is living a dark life without joy even though most of our social media platforms would say they prefer money to happiness but what's money without happiness? To me it's really useless.


We all deserve pure happiness, unconditional love and peace. With these everything is balanced. So if you know anyone somewhere who due to a situation that seems to last forever feels he or she would be giving up soon please help talk to them and tell them to erase giving up from their mind dictionary because it doesn't and has never helped in solving a problem.

I wish you all a prosperous New year in advance.

With love from teknon 💙!

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