My Favorite Airplane Disaster Movies Ever (Might Be Your Favorites Too)

Airplane disaster movies are one of the most thrilling movies ever mostly because of the fact that airplanes are considered to be fragile and casualties are pretty high when a major disaster occurs. Chances of an airplane disaster are the last thing anyone would wanna hear while boarding a plane and it's amazing how the movie industry has made some really awesome movies out of potential situations and true stories. So far, three airplane disaster movies have stood out among tons of movies I've seen that involved planes going through the worst. These movies are filled with thrills, action, mystery and all I ever want from a movie and this is why they're my favorites.

The first on my list is "Snakes On APlane" (2006).



This is definitely my favorite and is one of the most talked about airplane disaster movies. The idea to let different species of deadly snakes be the cause of horror on a plane was superb and so creative. Somehow, I think this movie actually kinda made me conquer my fear for snakes and anything that creeps. It also had one of my favorite actors ever, Samuel L. Jackson and is one movie I'd like to see again soon. If youre a fan of horror, thrill and action and haven't seen it yet, well, I'm surprised cos you must be the only one I'm not sure I'd recommend it based on the graphics which may seem outdated, but it was definitely an awesome movie back then.

The second is "The Captain" (2020)



Well, this movie is a Chinese movie but is one of the best movie I've seen. The disaster in this movie is a true life story of a Chinese aircraft whose pilot's windcreen shattered while still in flight thousands of meters from ground. It had some many thrilling scenes like when a co-pilot got pulled away from his seat by the massive breeze due to the shatter. I loved the movie more because it didn't end in tragedy or loss of lives. If you haven't seen this yet, I recommend you do so and yeah, the effects are awesome.

The Last but not the least," Horizon Line"(2020).


This movie was pretty cool , quite thrilling and was so awesome to watch. From the unfortunate event of the pilot dying from a heart attack while flying the plane to the plane almost crashing in the ocean, almost getting wrecked in a storm e.t.c Yeah, it was well packed this many horrors. The effects in the movie was awesome too and I'd also recommend it but can't rate it as high as the aforementioned movies.

Do you have a favorite airplane disaster movies from the ones I listed or outside? Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences. Thanks for reading.

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