Top 10 Corporate Etiquette — Corporate Comportments

Do you want to be more successful in your career? Then it's time to brush up on your corporate etiquette.

Business etiquette is the set of written and unwritten rules that govern appropriate behavior in business situations. These rules in business can make or break your career. If you want to be successful, it's crucial to learn and follow these guidelines. That's why I created this list of top 10 corporate etiquette tips for success! These simple rules will help ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding what is expected from employees, managers, executives, etc.

Good manners are important to people regardless of their stature or status, but developing these skills for people working in business settings becomes all the more important. The following are 10 essential tips for practicing good corporate etiquette when dealing with coworkers and superiors.

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Arrive on Time

Be punctual - don't be late to meetings or appointments. Always arrive on time, or even early, when meeting with clients or colleagues. Punctuality is important because it shows respect and consideration for others' schedules and time commitments.

Taking too long to arrive, or being late, can throw off or inconvenience schedules. Arrive at your meetings being prepared.

Dress Appropriately

Dress appropriately - make sure your business attire is appropriate for the occasion, industry, company culture, and job role. It is important to dress professionally. Try wearing formal attire to work events; avoid wearing jeans on casual Fridays.

If your company has a set dress code for employees, make sure your clothes are clean and neat before coming to work. Be mindful of what you wear; please don't show up to a formal meeting in sweatpants and flip-flops.

Introduce Yourself

Introduce yourself to people you don't know or shake hands with them if they are standing nearby. Use a firm handshake when greeting someone.

Suppose attending an event where there will be many people present whom you do not know personally, introduce yourself politely by name only once before moving on. You can then focus on getting acquainted with those individuals who seem most interested in engaging in conversation with you.

Be polite and respectful with everyone you meet.

Always Say Please and Thank You

Be polite and respectful with everyone you meet. Always say please and thank you, whether you ask your assistant to print out a document or be served breakfast in bed.

When you say "please" before appointing someone with a task, the demand becomes a request. Same way, when you say "thank you" an expectation becomes appreciation. And saying "you are welcome" shows acknowledgment.

Don't Interrupt and Stay Focused

Don't interrupt people when they are speaking. When speaking with someone face-to-face, maintain eye contact while listening attentively to what they have to say without interrupting them until they are finished talking altogether.

This demonstrates interest in what the other person has to say and also encourages them to continue sharing their thoughts with you rather than shutting down or feeling uncomfortable about how much attention they may be receiving from you during the conversation.

Focus on the people you are with. Don't let your smartphone interrupt you when you are speaking with someone or in a meeting. Take control of your phone and be willing to turn it off.

Practice Good Hygiene Habits

Always maintain your hygienes, like brushing teeth, washing hands, showering daily, etc. Keep your fingernails cut to a healthy length and clean. If you have a beard or mustache, keep that neatly trimmed too. Be conscious of what foods you eat for lunch - avoid those with strong odors as they will make your breath smell bad.

People at work are more likely to take notice of you if you are cleanly dressed. Deodorant or body sprays are an essential part of the daily routine. Not only does it help enhance your hygiene, but it also makes you more presentable in the office.

Names and Titles Matter

Ensure that your spelling and pronunciation of your colleague's name are perfect. TItles or designations are equally important. People are concerned about these factors. I guess you wouldn't like it if someone mispronounced your name. Find you how your colleague spells and pronounces their names.

Address people by the name/title they prefer. When being introduced to new people in a professional setting, call them by their last names until they tell you to address them by another name.

If you are unsure about the difference between Mr., Dr., and Professor, use the most formal one that applies. When in doubt, go for "Mr."

Always Return Calls and Emails

Be timely in returning calls, either on the same day or within 24 hours. Even if you can't answer someone's question, let them know you have received the message and when you will be able to respond.

Reply to emails on the same day or at least within 24 hours. If you do not, people may not take that positively. If you are on vacation or sick, let them know.

Take Responsibility for Your Mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes at their work. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Admit your mistakes, do not blame them on others.
Own up to the mistake and apologize for it. Show that you take responsibility by offering a realistic solution or timeline of actions to prevent similar errors from occurring again.

Responsibility involves two critical steps: First, apologize sincerely. Second, offer a solution to the problem for which you are apologizing.

Use Appropriate Language in the Workplace

Avoid swearing, inappropriate jokes, or anything that might offend others. It is disrespectful to employees that have different backgrounds or have different beliefs. You do not want anyone taking offense because you are rude.

Do not make inappropriate jokes at the workplace. Do not make sexual innuendos or comments about a person's body or physical appearance. For example, avoid saying "she shows lots of skin" even if she is wearing a dress that ends mid-thigh and showing her backside.

It's important to keep your hands clean while you're working in an office environment. Avoid using cuss words, including acronyms or abbreviations for them (e.g., FWIW, AFAIK), and slang (e.g., phat, gangsta). Also, stay away from political conversations.


This article has given the top 10 corporate etiquettes that everybody should follow when in a workplace. The future of any organization lies in its people, and with good employees come good results.
Everybody should be trained on these rules from their first day of employment to grow up to be better professionals in the future. It is also vital for every employee to have a strong sense of commitment towards their work and understand how they can contribute towards building a stronger company with a positive working environment.

Let me know if you have anything to add to this. If you want to read about the top 10 job interview questions, read this article.

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