Into Thin Air - 12 - Finally Free

"Everything leads to the lake."

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Back at the house

"Why are you afraid of the lake?" He asks.

"Huh? Afraid? Of the lake? Something about it doesn't feel right and also the creature. But even without the creature lurking around, it has an ominous feeling surrounding it. I often feel heavy on my chest as if something is crushing me." She says.

"Did you drown and die in the lake? Maybe your body is still there?" He questions.

"How is it possible? My body should have floated and be seen, don't you think?" She asks.

He doesn't answer. Some pieces don't seem to fit.

"How did you end up here?" She asks him.

He's a little surprised by that question. "I don't remember as well. I only remember going by the lake and then straight here." He explains.

"And, the mark around your throat?" She asks

"What mark?" She points him to a mirror.

There's a dark handprint around his throat. He has no doubt that it's the creature's doing but he can't remember what happened.

At the hospital

"I wish Mr. Manson I could help you but my grandfather is suffering from amnesia and although he remembers his sister's name, Oksana, he's clueless about everything else around." Manson managed to get in touch with Nikolai's granddaughter but almost a dead end.

"Ms. Anderson, please if you can help me out. My friend is trying to figure out what happened to Oksana but now has slipped into a coma. It's been almost two weeks and he hasn't recovered yet." Manson pleads to the lady on the other end of the call.

"All I know about her is that she was very kind and grandfather loved her very much. He was sure that her fiancé had killed her and hid her body. No matter how much he searched for it, her body was never found. Although, he said he doubts that her body is buried somewhere around the lake. That's all I know." She says.

"Thank you, Ms. Anderson." Manson cuts the call.

"Do you think she's buried in the edge of the lake?" Alden asks him.

"No. I think she's at the bottom of the lake." After thinking for a few seconds. "We need to search the lake." Manson unlocks his phone to go through his contacts.

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Near the Lake

"Are you ready?" He asks.

"Don't you think it's a little too late to ask?" She says.

"Let's get right to it then." He says. They keep getting closer to the lake. Oksana nervously chuckles.

"Wait, I forgot to ask you." He squints his eyes when she stops. "How are you going to get back to your body?" She asks.

"One at a time. You first, then me." He says. "Don't be afraid when it comes to you. I think it has been trying to make contact with you."

Moments before

"Have you ever tried to gain your memory back?" He asks her.

"I am a prisoner here cowering from that creature, always running away from it - I didn't want to wallow about how I died when I'm NOT running scared." She says.

"Maybe if you tried to remember then you'd know how to get out of here." He states.

"How is the memory of my death going to help me get out of this godforsaken place!" She spats in annoyance.

"I know you feel stuck here and you don't want to go through any pain anymore, but I want you to listen to me very carefully." He looks at her in all seriousness. "I know you'll freak out but listen - Creature is you; it's your dead body. And remembering things may help you get solace."

"You're making fun of me aren't you? This isn't a time for a joke." She scoffs.

"I know it's hard to accept but the creature is your body and your soul is ripped from it. And I believe that you have died in the lake. The other times when the creature doesn't show up, it goes back to the exact spot where you actually died. That's why you feel awful around it." He tries to reason with her. She shakes her head in disbelief.

"Then what about you? Why don't you remember anything? And the mark around your neck?" She questions.

"Perhaps the creature brought me here to get you out." He says

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It's in the middle of the lake, peering its head from above the water. Although it's facing them, it's hard to say who's it focusing on. It's raven black hair completely covering its face. Slowly coming towards the edge, Oksana starts to shuffle - this is the first time she has been this close to it.

"It's the same dress as mine." Oksana's voice trembles in fear.

The creature is coming closer to them and almost out of the water. As much as he had anticipated this encounter, he's still very shocked and clueless as to what to do next. Oksana approaches her, single step at a time. A muffled sob escapes her mouth as they face each other.

"He thought I died when he beat me and shoved me to the basement." She says looking back at him. "But I wasn't dead. He tied me to a rock and drowned me. I screamed in agony but no one could hear me. The water had filled my lungs, it burned my insides and I couldn't breathe anymore." She could no longer hide her tears. "Please find my body."

The creature stands in front of him - its hand stretches out to him the same as before and grabbed his throat.

Memories came rushing to him.

Rushing to the lake
Seeing the creature coming out of there
The creature clutching his throat
He dropped to the ground.

He's standing on the edge of the lake thinking about everything that Alden said and why Oksana went inside the lake. While thinking about all that, suddenly he sees the creature peering from the lake. It crawls right in front of him in an unnatural manner and speed and grabs him by the throat.

"I remember how I got here." He says.

At the hospital

The doctor and nurses come rushing in as soon as the monitor starts to indicate he's crashing. Manson who has been talking on the phone jumps at the noise and commotion.

"What's happening?" Manson asks the doctor.

"He's crashing. We're losing him." The nurse says. "I need you to step out of the room so we can help him."

"Help him." Manson yells.

Another nurse brings the defibrillator. Patrick's unconscious body jumps from the shock while the doctor yells "again." Alden stands beside him as they both watch in shock. The alarm stops.

"Manson." He says.

"Mr. Simms, can you hear me?" The doctor says.

"Manson." He utters his name again.

"Yes, I'm right here buddy." Manson says.

"Oksana. Lake." He's unable to say anything.

"Yes, I figured it out. You rest, I'll deal with it." Manson assures him.

It took all his energy to say these few words to Manson. The doctor gives him a sedative to fall asleep, while Manson readies himself to get out.

"I have called the police to search the lake. Can you stay here till I get back?" Manson asks Alden to which he nods.

"May you be free now. Finally, free."

Is this how it's supposed to end?

Into Thin Air
Into Thin Air - 2
Into Thin Air - 3 - The House
Into Thin Air - 4 - Something Crawls
Into Thin Air - 5 - The Creature
Into Thin Air - 6 - Oksana
Into Thin Air - 7 - The Lake
Into Thin Air - 8 - Soulless
Into Thin Air - 9 - Close to home
Into Thin Air - 11 - The Fog

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