A Smoky Story


Smoking kills... They say...

Life kills too - only slower.

Is that right? Perhaps. But we are all dying anyway; some early and some late. I'd like my stick now as I monologue - monologues are unbearable most of the time but with a stick and the stench of tobacco burning, it becomes somewhat bearable. If I think this highly about my own monologue, imagine my opinion over any other monologue. But you know what's funny? This entire speech was just in my head as I imagined myself perched on the hood of a half-broken down car, staring out in the nothingness as the sun went down a few minutes back and I inhale fresh air as the poisonous smoke fills my lungs alongwith - but it's just in my head. Am I more focused on this "whatever this is" or more absentmindedly staring at nothing, I'm not sure. One thing for sure is that when I take a puff of smoke, it fills me up - it fills my head too and for the few minutes I keep puffing, I don't think; only sometimes, on occasion.

Do you think I'm smoking now?

No, it's just an afterthought, although a cigarette would have been nice right about now - and this reminds me, I need to buy some as I'm low on stock. Which brand do you think I prefer? I can answer that right here and now. Lately, I have been very loyal to Benson & Hedges Light - the Original is a bit stronger for my taste. Believe me, it takes out a lot from my pocket and I still smoke. Even after the price hikes, I smoke. I remember buying a pack at 285 and now I buy them for 300 and that was just this year. Do you know the cheaper the cigarette, the more nicotine is infused? At least that's what happens here. The cheapest ones here are sold at merely 2tk a piece and infused with so much tobacco I may never dare to try a puff. Yes, I am a bit concerned about how much I intake - and now I consume more than I used to a year ago. I smoke more in the company of smokers - my 7-sticks-a-day becomes 10 to 11, almost half a pack. I wonder if smoking alone is more injurious or smoking among smoker friends - the answer might be inconclusive.

Do you remember your first cigarette?

I remember lighting the remains of my father's thrown-in-ashtray pieces of cigarettes just to see what it's like and I was barely 8 years old then. But yes I remember my first cigarette vividly. Did you drag your first stick alone in your own company? I didn't. I remember, one afternoon, many years ago, a distant cousin of mine handed me my first cigarette and told me how to puff - it didn't matter that I was just 10 years old at the time. Do I think about that afternoon often? No, but I remember it.

Is talking about cigarettes injurious for health as well?

Speculations, speculations, and speculations. You may wonder why I don't quit smoking but that's a story for another day. For now, while I'm deprived of the poisonous smoke, I long for its feel on my lips and for now, I don't want to quit.

Well, I am killing 7 cigarette sticks a day - that should count.

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