Drip Drop Drip

The months between July to September is rainy season in Bangalore. However, it's been raining non stop from April onward. Parts of our city has been flooded, thankfully we live on a higher grounds and we've been spared. Since there is nothing much we can do about the rain it is important to make the best out of a bad situation. So I decided to take pictures in my garden today and have some fun. Hope you enjoy this collection of drip-drops with me.

I love this aeonium, this plant seems to enjoy the rain. This being a succulent doesn't truly like the rain so much but it seems to be so much more photo worthy when it rains. It holds hundreds of rain drops on its leaves and makes quite a statement. Don't you think so too?

The roses in my garden are weighed down with the weight of water. It rained for hours over night and this is how the flowers looked this morning. By the time I took these pictures the wind had shaken some of the water out of the leaves and plants. However, with frequent showers during the day the flowers don't look any better.

Amethyst and diamonds have always been my favorite gems. I used to have a few chokers, rings and earrings in amethyst and diamonds. This image reminds me of the time when I was so crazy about them. I still love these colors in nature.

This hidden pearl in the mother of pearl holder is truly a gem of great value. The hues of the leaves and the droplet they hold seem to be made for each other. Just a little sunshine would have made this droplet even more special, but the Sun hasn't been around for days now.

This newly planted dracaena draco bonsai has been seeing an abundance of rain since it was planted and is doing well. It's time for me to transfer this sapling to a bigger training pot. I wish there was bit of sunshine this morning which these droplets could have caught.

The papaya tree which is the meeting place for the sunbirds is now sporting a few pearls. Maybe the tree is moaning the loss of the company of the sun birds who have not visited it for the last few days. The sun birds are never seen flying around when it rains and the sky is constantly overcast.

There is a contest going on here between the bi-colored spots and the gems. Hands down the pearls win. This caladium looks better with the pearls sprinkled on them. The pink and white spots seem to fade into the background against the glitz and the glamour of the pearls. What is your verdict?

I love solitaires! I hope its not too small that you failed to notice it. This looked so pretty in natural light, but I guess this image doesn't do it justice. This droplet looked like a million dollars against the dark background of the leaves.

Dripping wet. This image reminds me of the song Raindrops keep falling on my head, from a few decades ago. The droplets were falling down even as I was taking this picture. It was a windy morning and I had to get my job done quickly.

There aren't too many flowers around now. These purslanes need a lot of sunshine to keep blooming. Today we only have a few stray flowers blooming in our garden. This droplet looks like a little gem set in 22 carat gold. I couldn't let her out of this collection though I had a number of other images to choose from.

Another caladium holding drops of rain in her palms. The contrast of the leaves and the droplet makes for an interesting image. I just had to grab another photo though I have a number of similar pictures from before.

Another succulent holding a huge quantity of water in its heart. These rosettes are prone to top rot as the water collected here doesn't drain away fast. I have to manually shake the water away to prevent decay. I got this image just before I shook out the water from a bunch of similar echeverias in my garden.

I hope you have sunshine and warmth where you live. Wish you a bright and happy day.
Thank you for all your support.

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