Splinterlands social media challenge - Shades of grey

Hello gamers, I hope we're doing okay and I also hope we're enjoying the world of splinterlands. It has been a very wonderful experience ever since I joined and I'm always happy that I gave it a trial because now it's something I'm much addicted to, playing splinterlands is fun and then you also get to earn some tangible amount of money.
This week is a good week and for the first time I get to play close to 50 games in just one day, it's my first time, haven't tried that before, so I feel like breaking a record, I also hope I'll be able to play more in the coming days.


Without further ado, I'll be sharing one of my sweet experience while playing the game, there's this particular game I played with the shades of grey ruleset, with that rule it means only neutral units may be used. The manacap given was 50, so I get to use some of my preferred monsters, I like it when I have much manacap because I'll be able to make good selections.
I selected Quiz Devious as my summoner, one of my favorite in the game for now and I selected my monsters as follows.

Coeurl lurker in the fist position, with taunt ability, with this all enemy target this unit if they are able to, it also has a 25% higher chance of evading melee or ranged attacks.
In the second position I have the Nalara Geinek which has the amplify ability, it increases magic reflect, return fire, thorns, corrosive ward and retaliate damage to all enemy's unit by 1.
In the third position I have Gem Meteor with scattershot ability, ranged and magic attacks hit a random enemy target.

In the fourth position I have Pallus with flying ability, it has a 25% bonus chance of evading melee or range attacks from units who do not have the flying ability. It also has Reach ability, with this, melee attack units with the reach ability may attack from the second position on the team.
In the fifth position I have the Nimbledook Ranger with snipe ability, it target the first unit with ranged magic or no attack that's not in the first position with ranged or magic attack. It also has the double strike ability, it attacks units twice each round.
Last but not the least is Mad Ogre Anarchist which has opportunity ability, it may attack from the first position and target the unit with the lowest health.

Battle link

The battle lasted for good nine rounds, at first it seems I'll lose the battle, because my opponent was having a upper hand but as we proceed, I started having hope in the game as my units too were attacking furiously and in round nine, it was two against one, I have two units left with enough health while my opponent had just one unit with low health, with this I was able to defeat my opponent with ease.
It was such an interesting battle that I so much enjoyed.
Catch ya'll next week.

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