Splinterlands social media challenge

Hello friends, I believe we're all doing good and I also believe we're enjoying splinterlands, for this week's splinterlands social media challenge, I'll be sharing one of the battles I played recently.
But before then, I just hope I'll be able to play more games this week, because I've not been able to play well enough like I ought to, but this week, I'll have enough time and a good laptop to play the game and even advance to the next league.

So about the game, the ruleset was Shades of Gray and with this rule, it means only neutral units may be used. This ruleset is new to me, because when I was about creating my team, I noticed I couldn't see some of my favorite cards, that was when I understood the meaning of that particular ruleset.
The manacap given was just 25, with little manacap like this, I mostly get confused about my selection, I prefer big manacap so I'll be able to select whatever cards I'm interested in.

Battle link

I select my cards like this, I placed Grimbardun fighter, a monster with shield ability in the first position. With this, the card is able to reduce damages from melee and ranged attacks by 50%.
In the second position I have Nimbledook Ranger, a monster with snipe ability, it targets the first enemy unit with ranged, magic or no attack that is not in the first position with ranged or magic attacks.
It also has double strike ability, this unit attacks twice each round.

In the third position, I have Chaos lackey with dispel ability, when this unit hits an enemy, it clears all positive status effects on that enemy.
The last on the list is Chaos Agent, a unit with just one Mana.

It was a tough battle, everything started with me killing some of my opponent's monsters but things changed in level four, when my opponent started retaliating and then finally killed all my monsters, the battle ends in round six, it was really a great battle just that I didn't win it, we go again.

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