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Strange Life


I don't get much sleep nowadays. Every time I try to sleep, it is as if my breath stops. One face floated in front of my eyes. The person I loved so much left me two days ago. He showed me many reasons before he left. The biggest question was what will he get from me? There was a lot of trust on my part in our relationship. He would often ask me, what are my future plans? I would answer the same question every time. I would say I haven't thought about the future yet.

It is important to think about the future in order to do something good in life.

Yes! Nila was probably right then. The biggest reason for her leaving me was that I had no future plans. Neela doesn't want to be with a man who has no purpose, no ambition, no money, no good job. Today I am spending time alone, and this time is not like any other day, it is very different. - Now there is only suffering and loneliness. Can people live like this? I also found a way out. One night I thought, is there any death that will not hurt me. No no there is no such thing. I woke up the next morning and came back from the store with a dozen sleeping pills. I was thinking, will death be confirmed by taking sleeping pills? Some self-consciousness remained and thinking if it happens that I survived, then what will happen? People will laugh at me. I have to do something that is surely kill me. So the next morning I went to the store and bought a bottle of poison and and seller confirmed that after eaten this poison, death will confirm. Ummm !! I dont get it! Did he make fun of me? However, these are not my thoughts now, I have to give importance to my thoughts.

I closed the door of the room and sat by the bed with the poison bottle in my hand. It takes a lot of courage and a lot of anger in me to do that. Which is why I keep thinking about Neela, how much she insulted me before she left me. When I made up my mind, I closed my eyes and brought the bottle of poison to me to eat. And exactly that time my mom's face floated in front of my eyes. That she gave birth to me ten months in her womb. My mom always told me one thing, That your life is not only yours alone, I also have a share in it So don't do anything in life that will hurt me.

My mother always tried to show me the right way. Today I am standing at a time where I am deciding to give up my life. My death means I am lost, to the one I love the most, to myself and to my mother. But I never wanted such a defeat. I may be maverick, but I am not a loser. Life stops those who are afraid to move forward. But I was never like that. I'm not afraid to move forward. I was always adept at finding new ways and still do today. I had to stop in so many things. Not for myself, but for someone else, who is part of my whole life.

It doesn't take long to go from bad times to good times in life. No one can tell when people go from where to where. My mlm used to tell me all the time, thatI will have a lot of success one day and people will be surprised. People will have a hard time believing from where to where i came. My thoughts changed, it would be wrong to just say it my thoughts, this is course of my life has changed, I am grateful to neela today. Because she made me understand how important future planning is. I'm moving forward so fast just for her. Because if we meet again in the future, at least neela will see me so that she will feel wrong about her decision. Success is not far from me, just waiting for me to catch up.

I heard that Neela is married. Sometimes I go to Neela's profile on Facebook and see her. I still look with respect and love at the person I once wanted to hate. But now things change, Let her be the happiest, no matter whom she with. She changes her profile picture on Facebook a lot, which makes me happy, But the difference is that before she used to upload pictures alone, and now with her husband. it makes me jealous and is very angry. It's nice to see her but when I see her husband next to her I get very angry. I have no such enmity with him but I think Neela's husband is the biggest enemy in the world.