Favorite Movies - [Shorts]



Well, I don’t consider myself one of those die hard movie fans, but when things start to get hectic, a much needed distraction presents itself to keep the left out sanity. Moments like these are perfect for me to find some peace in movies, games and books. During those distraction finding hunts, I did happen to come across some movies that managed to place itself in my favorite list.

The Handmaiden

This is one of those movies that just leave you speechless with its twisted character dynamics, aesthetic cinematography and mostly my favorite, the art of completing cycles. I still remember how shell shocked I was when the twisted storyline just punched me in the guts and I was like what the fuck just happened. The turns of events were intriguing enough to jump right into the original book, which only contained nothing but more twisted plotlines and characters.

The Pianist

In some phases of life, I got obsessed with historical movies, coming across this one was the result of such obsession. To this day, it remains one of the masterpieces that I am lucky enough to watch. The plotlines, character developments, brutal decapitation of the holocausts and marvelous acting made this movie watching experience a rollercoaster ride.


This is that legendary movie that introduced Hypatia, one of the legendary historic scholars on whom I can fangirl all day long. If you are a fan of books and libraries, well this movie will only rip your heart out. Even though, to me it is a masterpiece, the frustration it created during the watching period still remains fresh in the memory.

So, there you have it, some of my favorite movies.

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