Surrounding Yourself With People Of Like minds

When you look at the mirror, what you see there is only but a reflection of how you look like. In the same way, where and who you look at will ultimately determine how your life will turn out to look like. If you always keep company with people with negative mindset, it will not be long and you will develop negativity.

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The people you surround yourself with will subconsciously have great influence on your life. Firstly, they will start by influencing your actions which when they are repeated, will become dominant. Of course, your dominant actions will create the backbone for your character and every other thing will rest on it - like your attitude and then your future.

There is an analogy I always give to people: when you stay around a place where wood is being burnt, two things are bound to happen: you will become warm and then your body will pick up the smell of smoke. You cannot hang around open flame and prevent yourself from picking up the smell of smoke. In the same way, when you stay together with certain people, you naturally tend to acquire their traits.

Your negativity or positivity is almost always a function of the interactions you have with people which have ways of affecting your mindset. There are certain people you do not need to keep company with. The truth is; you are not under any form of mandate to keep company with everyone, it is purely on choice. Anyone that does not add positively to you and is not part of building you or making you better may already be affecting your life negatively without you knowing it.

If you have a defined destination to arrive at, you need to surround yourself with people enroute to the same destination. They will not only help you attain your destination but they journey will be a whole lot easier. You will agree with me that going with people of like minds will make you to go farther than going alone.

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What took someone a very long time and probably many trials to achieve can be taught to you in a shorter time and you can achieve it without having to go through many trials and errors - you only need to locate and position yourself aright with people of like minds. Always remember this: what accompanies you can be traced to who you company with.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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