Power Of A True Smile

There are many friendships that have been started with just smile. No matter the amount of make-up you put on without a smile, something will be missing because there is no make-up as adorable as a true smile. The person you come across might be going through a rough day already, but a smile from you to them will go a long way to lighten their burden.

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Smiling does not indicate lack of challenges but it is a choice you make to prove that you have hope of something better. In conversation, adding smile will always spice up the conversation. Your body languages (including your facial smile) create more impression than your actual words. Like the first impression which they say matters, the first smile you give to someone will create a lasting impression in their minds.

Even in telephone conversation where the person's face is not seen, the person's smile can still be felt, because smiling softens your tone and makes your voice appear more friendly. The power of a true smile is so much that even though it is without price, the effects and the results are often priceless. You do not lose anything by giving off a good smile, rather you gain the hearts of people.

You will agree with me that knowing and doing what will bring you gain is wisdom. Knowing that smiling is gainful and doing it is a proof of wisdom and maturity. You can still disagree with someone's idea without withholding your smile from them. The truth is; the choice to smile is not a favour you do to others but it is a direct favour on yourself and your personality.

If you want to know how advantageous smiling is to you; get a camera and take a selfie picture of yourself while frowning. Then smile and take another selfie picture. Compare both of the selfies and you will have your answers right in your eyes. Even you yourself will prefer the smiley version of yourself, how much more others.

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Many people believe that you can only make a point and prove your seriousness by frowning. Well, just to let you know, there are many ways of proving that you are serious without frowning. Just to let you know; frowning only succeeds in putting yourself in strain and stress. Always try to make smile your ally and you will avoid these stresses.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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