Forgiveness: The Real Freedom

Over the years, I have come to realize that nothing enslaves anyone like unforgiveness. As a matter of fact, unforgiveness is like a sin someone does to their own self and not even to the other person. You will agree with me that if you have unforgiveness for someone and you suddenly run into them, your heart will skip some beats. This is just to let you know that forgiving people is not just for the person's good but for your own good.

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Most times, the person you bear grudges against may not even know you are having them in mind and you are the only one struggling with yourself and your inner peace will be heavily hampered. For the sake of your inner peace, forgiveness should be a mandate and not just an option. Your inner peace should hold value to you and if it does, then you need to let people go.

Holding people in your mind is just like someone holding another person on the floor - in the real sense he is also holding himself. However, you may not be able to forgive people if you have not first forgiven yourself. The truth is, forgiveness should start from within you before it can flow to others.

If you cannot forgive yourself for the errors and misdeeds of the past, how will it be possible to forgive others? Trust me, you can only give to others from the reserve of what you have and if you do not have forgiveness, you can't give it and your inner peace will be affected. Expecting people to be without offences is expecting the impossible and may lead to disappointment. You have to condition your mind to this, so that you can always have advanced forgiveness for people.

Forgiving people that wronged you does not show that you are weak but it only shows you have mastered the act of controlling both yourself and your strengths. You should not wait till they come back to apologise before you forgive them, your forgiveness should be without recourse to their apology, for the sake of your peace.

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Forgiving someone does not also mean that you should have them as friends, but it means that they are not your enemies. If you value your peace, then you should keep forgiveness handy. Believe me, unforgiveness has a way of hurting oneself and the person may implode from within. This is why you should let go of offences and focus on the things that are worthwhile.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all

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