Sense of Accomplishment

“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.”
― Edward Everett Hale

It’s wonderful how we, humans are connected with a tapestry of emotions— be it with worldly things or something intangible, our feelings towards them drive the vehicle with what we set our journey to the accomplishment.

Much more alike, it is our gut feelings that force us from the inside to go for something and claim it by overcoming challenges. But like Edward said, we cannot get everything we set our eyes on— there must be something unattainable which doesn’t mean we stop trying. Sometimes we may get some instead of the whole, and that is the achievement we all should go for.

More or less, when we achieve something, either important or subtle, it boosts our morale. It pushes us to challenge our potential. And when we get something through struggle, that becomes the testament of self-motivation; a robust pillar of self-growth. Not everybody gets it done, yet, having the energy to embark on the journey is itself a kind of accomplishment— might not be tangible at this moment, but, someday somehow, it can reinforce your self-esteem to accomplish the job you have undertaken, who knows.

And that’s how our experience in this world is woven, layer by layer with failure and motivation to overcome obstacles.

Well, motivation and accomplishment are closely connected. For every job done, every obstacle overcome, and every mission accomplished, there is someone or something that inspired us to go all in— in the first place. It shapes our objectives, ignites the meaningful stance of our subconscious resulting in a surge in reinforced emotions to do more; achieve something— makes clear senses of our endeavours.

Thus, we create the roadmap to success, and weave the web of life’s journey in the foreseeable future; with aspirations.

But getting there and claiming something isn’t just the hard work it demands. Besides motivation to get it, our willingness to overcome obstacles also comes into play. Although a motivated individual finds clues to get past barriers, sometimes it requires the strategic mindset to put challenges behind— more like using a head instead of muscle. Sometimes we need to magnify our vision to see what’s coming, unwrap the shadow of despair with resilience, and have a habit of ignoring negative criticism.

Talking of which, criticism from peers is necessary but let that not fool you— don’t let your judgemental persona be clouded with sweet talks or harsh words; don’t get dependent on others’ appraisal— look into yourself, get to see what’s inside yours. Listen to your senses, it can’t be wrong if you are motivated enough.

And when your motivation takes you on the road, accomplishing something is just around the corner. So, be persistent, be agile, be straightforward, and of course, foster a sense of accomplishment; this will help.

Ⓒ mine

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