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Greedy people always be deprived and humiliated because of their work. There is a history of such people who destroyed because of greed. Greed is one of the weakest and most inferior traits of human.

Due to greed man can do so many illegal work and that's why corruption increase now a days. Like Government always give higher amount for construction buy due to man greed and corruption they always try to use bad material and after some days again the construction destroyed.

When people know about your greed then they try to far away as well as possible because they know you can do everything for money šŸ¤‘.
So we need to do something for such people otherwise we will destroy Iike we are destroying now a days. Because of greed everything is usless.

As you see in pictures that's best way for dealing such people.

You will see original content on noise.cash


Image source:Google

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