Nothing Sometimes Is Ever Enough.


I have watched people act up and betray each other over the years
You can sacrifice your whole existence to someone and still, they will betray you
They would snitch on you and pretend while showing others how to portray you
Humans always forget and that has never left my mind
I learnt from how everyone behaved when we lost my dad
It's easier for them to forget the years you have sustained them
They live for the highest bidders and never about loyalty
It's the person with the best thing to offer they go with...that sustainability
Be careful of those whose words betray them while faking loyalty to you
You sometimes see who people are with your eyes closed
We see more with closed eyes and observant mind
Be careful of those who won't defend you when others drag you
But would jump at every opportunity to drag you to filth and gag you
Be careful of those who promise their love would last longer than the weekend
If you look closely enough, you will see the heart is indeed wicked
Sometimes nothing is ever enough but that's okay
It's okay not to be okay but ask yourself, why do you do what you do?
For applause or just because that's who you are?
Frustrating, I agree but I have learned to look beyond the applause and noise
When people criticize you, learn to look inward
When they spring up to sing of your praises, look outward
The person that agrees with everything you say sometimes is ready to skin you
You can't slit people open to see the true content of their intention
You have been locked in some people's mind as in with detention
All the good you have ever done for them has gone out from retention
Live within your means, help when you can without praise, that's contention
It's easier to mistake your good intentions for the wrong ones with the mention
Ungrateful people would always be ungrateful no matter what you do
They would cry blood and sweat about how they appreciate you
But just talk a walk to that bend and you see them wipe their face and smile
Humans are the most complex you'd ever find within the radius and mile
Watch people's characters before you feed your soul with their contents
Be careful and learn to give as much attention to yourself too because you deserve it
Be careful and watch out for yourself because in the end, you are all you've got
You can give your best to people and still never enough
Do what you can, have good reasons for it and move on
In all you do, don't ever forget to do good and be you...
Because that's the whole essence of life...being you and doing your bit
Some will appreciate, most won't...but focus on those who do

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today; doctor's order.

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