Battle Mage Secrets: Five Alive

It's another day to enjoy playing Splinterlands; of course, I'm used to beating and winning battles. I always believe that the more you play, the more you learn. I've actually improved more than I expected. Here is one of my battles this week.


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The rules for the battle were fiveAlive, which means up to five units can be used.
Meanwhile, 27 mana caps were given to me. And all six elements were present.
I chose Thaddius summoner, and I already made sure I chose level 5. I realized that the higher the levels, the more the monsters have good power.

I chose Cursed Windeku for my first role. Since I increased the level to 5, it comes with another good ability, which is healing. So cursed windeku has abilities, which are Thorns: this does two malee damage anytime when malee attack it. It also has healing ability; this restores a third health to this unit's health each round.

I chose Venari Bonesmith. I love to use this card because of its abilities. Life leech, unit health increases each time it damages an enemy unit health by half the damage dealt. The more the damage, the more the health increases. So this is one of the reasons I love using it. It also has another ability called poison. Attacks have a 50% chance to apply poison, which does automatic damage to the target at the beginning of each round after the poison is applied. It's more like attacking twice because this card is also a magic card.

I move forward to select the revealer. This card also has two good abilities. Stun ability: when a unit with stun hits a target, there is a 50% chance that the target will skip its next turn. I love this stun ability because it gives me more time to attack. Immunity ability: this unit is immune to negative status effects. This is a very good ability, in case there are any negative effects.

My Team

My Opponent Team


I also chose Fenmoor Haunt. This card also has two good abilities: the sneak ability targets the last units on the enemy team instead of the first one. Also void ability: this reduced damage from magic attacks by 50%.

Lastly, on my card, I selected Chaos Jailer; this card is also blessed with two good abilities. Opportunity: This card has the ability to attack any card from anywhere. And we will target the unit with the lowest units. This card also has ambush abilities. This unit gets to act before the battle starts at all. I like to use this card because of the good abilities it has.

The battle was not too long, but interesting. My opponent also uses the same summoner as me, but I was able to defeat him because of the monsters I used and their abilities. Meanwhile, I have more upper hand because I increased the level of my card because my opponent also used some of it, but it's at a low level. I believe that's one of the reasons I've won the battle.
The battle only lasted for two good rounds, and I won.



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