Uncertainty: when everything feels out of control, how do we live?


Sometimes everything feels out of control and we began to think about what to do.

As humans, we crave to know about how the future will be like, just like we crave for other primary needs. ambiguity. Our brain perceives opaqueness as a menace, and most times while trying to protect us, it diminishes our ability to focus on anything other than creating uncertainty, and living with so much uncertainty can be so hard.

But it's more effective not to attempt to create uncertainty, though the brain might have been rigged out to resist uncertainty. We never can tell how the future will look like, but we should learn how to live with opaqueness during the unpredictable and unfolding situations.

How are we to live when everything feels out of control?

1) Don't resist: when we are living through a challenging time, we should not ignore the current reality, because this will help us to learn, grow and understand better. The truth is that when we resist our challenges, our pain by exaggerating the challenging sentiments we are feeling.

There's something we can always do instead of resisting

We should learn how to practice acceptance because it's a counterintuitive secret to happiness, we should accept how we meet life and move onward from there. Acceptance will make is to see the reality of the present circumstances, rather than being ineffective by uncertainty, argument, or fear.

However, this doesn't mean you'll not be frustrated or saddened by the situation of things. But acknowledging our feelings will put us in a better position to move forward. We aren't accepting that things will remain the same forever, but we are only accepting what is happening at the present moment. We can always work to make things better. Practicing acceptance in the face of difficult moments might be hard, but the best helpful way to move forward.

2) Invest in yourself: In contributing to the world, the best resources that you have is YOU. You damage your most valuable asset when the resources are depleted. We have to maintain ourselves by strengthening the relationship that brings us connection and meaning. We have to spend some time having fun for the joy of it, and having enough sleep and rest when we are tired because this will help our personal growth

3) find a healthy way to comfort yourself: If you are to stay flexible, you need to feel safe and secure, you have to comfort yourself In healthy ways. Sometimes when you feel uncertain, your brain activates the dopamine system, and the dopamine rush stimulates us to seek rewards, making the temptation to be more tempting. Our brains keep pushing us to our comfort zone like taking an extra glass of wine instead of having an adequate bedtime, taking alcohol to relax our rattled nerves is not advised. We can always do better when we comfort ourselves in healthy ways, reflect on what we are grateful for, go for a walk with a neighbor, watch a funny YouTube video, etc, These things might seem small but will go a long way to help us and also be the person we want to be.

4) find meaning in the chaos: Talking about meaning here applies to our intellectual assessment of the extent to which we feel our lives have an impact, value, and purpose. We are best inspired by our significance to other people, we feel happy with the work we are doing when we know that others are benefiting from our efforts because supporting others makes us feel good

We should try to look for solutions when something needs improvement by recognizing what we can personally do, what we can bring to the issue, and how we can be of service. Knowing what meaning we have for ourselves and others can ground us better than anything else when the world feels uncertain and scary. We don't have to resign to our misery while we wait for the solution to unravel itself, think about the outcome you are hoping for and how you can make a substantial life during the time.

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