My understanding while growing up!

Growing up is not a good thing,I mean not good at all.I miss that little girl inside me who used to laugh so often,who was talkative,expressed exuberance in simplest simple things. Who used to trust everybody. Every single person.

I was a girl Who used to whisper everytime listening to a song & may be used to smile a bit as well. Sehri was happy,actual happygirl . She enjoyed every moment that life offered her.

But now,the scenario is different.Now the girl knows how to be just silent in situations,how to just say"okay"even if it's not! She know how to make a fake smile and let things go.

She know the disadvantages, the disadvantage of coming from a highly educated family is that there is a lot of lack of high-mindedness in the family.

Now she can relate with the Children of highly educated families suffer more depression.If the rest of the family members have a higher degree, they don't even consider others as human if they don't have an equivalent degree.Holding a high degree becomes a norm for which there is no room left for self-indulgence.

Here One's higher education becomes a burden to others, at the end of the day one adds to the number of suicides.

But she knows that education is worthless if it does not make the mind better. Everyone is different, everyone has different wishes. She is mature now. Obviously she's grown up,situation makes her to be so. Still I miss that sehri ,that so happy me.

While this growing up I understand that my one taunt(so called fun) can ruin someone's confident . Can snatch someone's mental peace. I have to be careful with my word , about my word .

I only understand that I can't create others unhappy just because I'm unhappy. That's all from me for today. Thanks for reading.

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