BDC Shorts Prompt Day 3: my heart and your heart

First and foremost, I want to appreciate the team making it possible for this contest to be held. Contest is an avenue to learn many things and put it into practice. Thank you so much.
I also want to thank everyone that engages in this contest. I read many of the posts and learned other ways of how the heart works. Basically, I read the post of @burlarj talking about love, connection between the heart and love.
While going through the article of @daveyjones7, I understood when he said, “when dealing with the mind, he tries to be in a good state”. For me, the best thing to do is to be in a good state, that is when you will have positivity surrounding your heart.

Heart is very delicate and fragile. Whatever you feed your heart will reflect in your attitude, behavior, appearance, and character. This is the reason you need to allow your heart to be positive all the time.
Our heart is the seat of intelligence dictating what to do to you. Our heart is like a central processing unit (CPU) which has the power to produce magnificent results and also affect other people that surround you. That is the reason your heart has to be guided with all care.
Our hearts have the ability to sieve whatever information we receive. Not all the information is good for you. Hence, don’t allow your heart to receive all information because it has the power to process it and make use of it.
The matter of emotion and feelings are all connected to the heart. Therefore, your heart begins to ponder on the issues that attracted you. Whatever issues get attracted to you such as family, love, relationship, and soon begin to process in your heart. All these issues affect all facets of your life positively and negatively.
The first time I mentioned ‘break up’ to my girlfriend, it was in my heart for more than 2 weeks and was affecting my productivity, my thinking, even my body. Until I told her I was sorry, and she said ‘OK’ that was when I had a rest of mind.
I was never at rest for good 14 days until I called her and said, ‘Let's get together again’.
One thing I learned is that, never allow any matter you don’t want to stay longer in your heart and always forgive people from the bottom of your heart even before they ask for forgiveness.
Always think positive and remove all negativity in your heart; nurture your heart in good ways.

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