A New Era in Splinterlands: Upcoming Changes and the Future of Vouchers

Hello all Hive People & Splinterlands lovers,

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The Splinterlands is popular and awesome digital card game built on the Hive blockchain. The Splinterlands team make the changes in game on time to time to make is sustainable and more interesting. Somme time then decision effects a little potion of user base but some time the decision make a big change in the game and effects almost complete user base. For example few season back the team has introduced the Wild Pass for the players willing to play in wild format. The wild format has its own advantage and old players mostly plays in the wild format only as they has good quantity of old series of cards. Th wild card accepted all series of cards but the Modern format has come limitation and on release of the new series some old series get kicked out of modern format. The mechanism is design in this way only and I guess its good for new players as they will get less competition in modern format and do not have to worried about battling against the old experience players as well as against the old series cards. The team has announced some changes regarding the Voucher system. If you not aware then you must check the recent post form the @splinterlands about the Voucher System Overhaul. You can check the post by clicking on this link.

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What is Voucher System

As I remember the Vouchers were introduced in 2021 and it was also the time when the Chaos Legion card pack were also released. The vouchers ware the key part of the Chaos Legion pack release. The packs were available on official shop but players need the vouchers to make the purchase. In this way the players get the early access to the new series but they need the vouchers. So the vouchers were the way to items during the early phases of the release and also play key role in the game economy for special promotions, new pack release, limited edition items and exclusive events. Afterwards more use case were also added for vouchers like Purchase Energy, get discounts on pack purchase, discount on purchasing the node license. So keeping the vouchers means the players used to access special benefits. Their were not much ways to earn the vouchers from the game, mostly by two - three means.

First way is by Staking Splintershards(SPS). SPS which are the governance token of Splinterlands Play2earn game. Staking the SPS rewards the players with SPS airdrop as well as the Voucher airdrop daily. In total 20,000 vouchers token are distributed to all players based on the SPS staked in game wallet daily.
Second way is the holding Node Licenses in accounts. Same way as the staked SPS rewards their is daily 20,000 voucher airdrop to the Node Licenses holders also. Players must hold the Node Licenses in their accounts. More node you own, more vouches you will you get.

Here are some use case for the Vouchers


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Voucher System Overhaul

There's a significant update coming to the Splinterlands ecosystem after August 15th. Voucher rewards will get overhaul which will change the overall game ecosystem. At present the voucher rewards are airdropped to the SPS chain, but form 15th August onwards the SPS ill be airdropped in-game. Their will be no more VOUCHER-G (in-game) and VOUCHER (SPS Chain) and will be only Vouchers, So no need to transfer SPS form SPS chain to in-game for further use for in-game assets purchase or promotional offers. Is this make mechanism simple? What about the SPS chain development? Really I do not know much about same but their was some talk in last Town Hall and their is/will be some proposal in this regards.

If you have provided the liquidity in Voucher/SPS reward pool then please be alert a the Rewards for the Voucher/SPS Hive-Engine liquidity pool will be discontinued. So make sure to take out the liquidity provided form the pool. I have some amount but not much. What about the VOUCHER - SWAP.HIVE pool?

The voucher will not be transferable from the Splimterlands to decentralized exchanges but you can tranfer form decentralized exchanges to Splinterlands. So best way is to take action now and I the best option in my option is to transfer it to decentralized exchanges, why?
Because their will be Tax on transferring the vouchers form one account to another account.

Voucher transfers between players will be subject to a 12.5% burn tax.

Looks like they have implemented GST system in game lol.
Its important to make sure the vouchers rewarded to any player will get some value. But its very discouraging for the players with multiple accounts.
Their will some discounted player enjoying for using the vouchers at present and they will be discontinued as below -


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Any changes in the game has both reaction positive as well as the negative form community. I will take it positive if its good for the game ecosystem. The wild pass will not be available with vouchers, this is disappointment for me really as this was the cheapest way of getting the Wild Pass.
A new voucher store will be available soon and love to see the brand new cards available for purchase with Vouchers.
If you love the skins then its time to get some as after 3rd of September it will not be available afterwards.

What are your views let me know in comment section.

Thanks for stopping by my post.

Source of Images - Splinterlands official site, edited in Canva.

If you have not started playing yet feel free to use my referrer link at the end of post. Comment your username for free card delegation.


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Thanks to @minimining for delegated cards.



Happy Battling.

See you in field

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