

I was thinking of a topic to write about today and it occurred to me that most people struggle to communicate effectively, including myself.

What then is communication?
According to wikipedia, Communication is the act of developing meaning among entities or groups through the use of sufficiently mutually understood signs, symbols, and semiotic conventions.

Communication can sometimes be misunderstood if the sender does not pass the message in the right way. Hence, being able to communicate effectively is important.

The purpose of communication is defeated when the message is not understood by the receiver. Lack of understanding can cause conflict and frustration.

There are four types of communication; verbal, nonverbal, written and visual communication.

Communication skills can be developed. Four ways to quickly and efficiently improve your communication skills according to smarp are:

1 Listen with empathy
Empathy is the ability to understand the feelings, thoughts, and beliefs of another person. Putting yourself in their shoes helps you see things from their perspective

Emotional acceptance, closely related to empathy, means that, after empathizing and understanding how another person feels, we can accept the reasons why somebody feels or thinks the way they do, regardless of whether we agree with it or not.

2 Speak up
Communication begins with you. Take responsibility and start communication, do not wait and expect another person to do so and don't hide behind various forms of online communication.

Good communication, especially on important topics, requires far more than what we can express in a written message.

We often misunderstand this kind of communication because we do not see the person's face, its nonverbal communication, and in what circumstances communication starts.

3 Prepare what you're going to say
Think before you speak. Most of us work best when we have time to process our thoughts before we share them.

If the conversation or meeting is worth your precious time, take a few minutes to prepare the speech draft.

For a very important conversation, try a mock-up conversation with a trusted person so you can get rid of any potential mistakes.

4 Be ready for different answers
As you formulate a speech strategy, put yourself in the position of a person who will listen to you.

This will ensure a balanced approach and you will be prepared to learn and defend potential disagreements and it will be easier for you to defend your standpoint.

No one can predict with certainty how other people will react.

Improve chances of a successful conversation by expecting negative answers and queries. So it is harder for your listeners to catch you unprepared.

Receiving feedback is vital. Good communication skills can help you in your workplace and private life.

It's important to master the act of public speaking. I struggle in this area but I am trying my best to improve on it. What other ways can you improve your communication skills ?
Please share your thoughts.

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