Challenges Are Part Of Life

Life presents us with complex issues, but also with complex solutions, however, most people focus on lamenting about their problems and forget to brainstorm on possible solutions forgetting that the fact remains that we will never get to a point where we will never face challenges, as long as we are alive

Whether we wanna agree to this or we fail to realize this, it doesn't matter cause the fact remains that we will never get to a point where there is no challenge, we will never get to a point we won't be faced with one but the truth many people do not know and face to realize because they are only focused on the challenges is that the same way life presents us with challenges, the same way it presents us with solutions to that challenges. There is no challenge greater than you.

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In as much as we don't want to face challenges and try to run away from them, we can't unless we are dead. Only dead people don't face challenges. Pray. Think. Learn. Listen. You are born to win and whatever happens, never lose your joy.

Challenges are part of life and if we don't take affirmative steps to solve them when they come our way and continue to run away, nobody will come to our rescue and we will always remain frustrated.

Challenges in life make the journey through life fun, memorable and educative. So life can not and wouldn't have been worthwhile if challenges were not around for us to solve.

We shouldn't always expect life to go smoothly the way we want because sometimes in life, everything goes smoothly, and other times, unexpected shit happens, but the important thing is to know to solve your problems during those times of challenges and not letting them eat you up and a queen the life out of you leaving you withered and fragile.

Challenges make us stronger, learn, unlearn and relearn the things we need to face the journey headstrong, and most times, challenges come to loosen us a bit and make us enjoy the moment. So, let your faith in the journey be stronger than your doubts and fears. Face the challenges life throws at you with so much confidence and not run away from them because they are part of life and would always come after you no matter how far you run.

Face the challenges life present you with because they are part of life, conquer your fears. Just do it.

Thank you all for always finding time to read through my content, my happiness has no bounds when I see your comment, reblogs, and upvote on my articles. I pray that God bless you all for real.


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