Indecision, a killer of success đŸ˜±

Do you ever find it difficult when making key decisions ? Decisions like choosing the right job? Or the right restaurant to eat? Or choosing a school to go to ? Or Choosing what you’ll do on your next vacation? Amongst many other things.



There is always so much conflicting information to consider when making major decisions and it can be very hard to know what the right decision is. It’s not enough for us to ask for help and get a second opinion either; we might still not find anything that’ll help us make the perfect choice and this is because many people would tell you different things which can even leave you more confused and at the end they’ll say “go with what your mind tells you”.

Indecision they say, is a killer of dreams and for me, indecision has affected me in the past a lot and as time went by, I just decided I’d go ahead with what I think what’s best for me and live with the consequences. So many opportunities can be lost when we don’t make decisions early.

I remember vividly when I wanted to start my housemanship program and I had the option of going to two different hospitals in different states of course. It was difficult getting those placements so I was really confused on the one to pick as they offered almost similar benefits.
So the day came and I was given an ultimatum. I called several people to seek their advice and all I got was “go with what your mind tells you” at the end of the conversation which left me more confused because that was why I was calling in the first instance, for someone to give me a go ahead, for someone to tell me the right decision to make. Now I’m not trying to say seeking advice is bad, it’s not! What I’m saying is at the end of the day it might still boil down to you taking that step no matter the consequences. I made my decision and I can say I do not regret it at all.

The best thing we can do in scenarios where we have to make key decisions is just try and rely on our judgement and decide to live with whatever consequences but that alone doesn’t guarantee success, you need the right knowledge base as well.

Thank you for reading

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