On Mythology!

It's been a couple of weeks since I made a plan writing about one of my favourite lit stuff. Which is Mythology! Though I'm not a Lit buff but I adore them and truly speaking they simply quench my thrust of stories of supernatural and beyond. So, today I'll share my experience with them.

The mythical stories of Greek, Roman, Indian, African, Persian and many more have fountainhead the beauty of Literature itself. Through these stories we can somehow get to know the figures of antiquity that come vividly to life.

The amazing thing that myths do is that they led us to the ancient time when the world was young and pristine and people living on it had a direct connection with it. If you go through those stories of heroes, monsters, gods and goddesses, you might feel the notion of the real and unreal. But surprisingly, you might find out how imagination was vividly carved into living entities and they can't be judged by reasoning.

And that is why, you might find out someone in the woods can see through the trees a flying Nymph or, bending over a clear pool to drink and many more. For a moment I felt I was catching through a moment; a moment of bewildering strangely and beautifully animated worlds.

The researcher's opinion says that, they don't know when these stories were first told in their present shape; but the main point is not inclined with tales of the primitive life we used to lead as human beings back then. Rather it focused on the blended approach to make a link between the supernatural events inclined with ongoing human life.

The stories teach us the subtle qualities that should be taken into account. Sometimes, they are Universal that you may find many of them still exist even within us. Greed, power politics, love, horror, fight, bamboozling, and what not. You can say more.

Homer; pioneer of Greek Mythology composed his breathtaking Epics Iliad and Odyssey. His stories shaped the notion of a nation and it shaped as a grand narrative for the race. Human characters were shown with similar importance alongside the deities. The song of humanity started to flourish from right there.

Roman, Indian and African mythology are also alike. Though I do not have much knowledge about them. But I've a great interest about Indian and African mythlogy.

I have a feeling of excitement about the other mythologies that can be viewed in a different point of view. Many of them still have their impactful importance on creating religious values as well as shaping the cultural norms of the people in particular.

I'm diving onto them. Trying to enjoy them with the interest and eagerness I have. And of course I will definitely share them with you folks.

In the mean time you tell me, what you feel or think about Myths. I am waiting for your reply. Thank you and best wishes.

Full stop here.


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