Inner peace!

Finding inner peace isn’t easy. It’s a hard task to be solved. When soome says he/she have found inner peace, he/she must be refering to a certain short perid of time when they felt solace. Because, I think ultimate inner peace is not completely possible. Today, I want light upon my feelings regarding this issue. So, stay tuned.



In this super fast world we are literally running behind the so called material gain. But we hardly look into our inner self. What it wants? And how as well? It is said that individual's average productivity increases when they are in a good mood or they have inner peace or happiness; Or, whatever you can call it. Many people tried their best to achieve success in their life. And most of them actually did so. But in the time of their busy journey they usually don't give much attention to their inner self.

That is the reason behind depression and anxiety as well as many physical and psychological facts. Only visiting the doctor can't fully cure this kind of issues. It requires more attention to oneself physically at the same time psychologically. Ignoring the inner self is a common behaviour among the individuals. Alike you and they, I also might be on the list. However, I don'l want to make the bad factors any longer. That's not my intention. I want to share the secret of nourishing the inner self.

Every living thing requires nourishment. Our inner self is not identical to it. It's alive and continuesly giving us the feeling of it’s essence. Great men follow a simple lifestyle, eat as much required, sleep wall, pray regularly with devotion, do honest deeds, try to keep a sound body and mind, and most importantly give importance to oneself. And that is how a great man seeks for the inner peace.

Love for the needy and helpless is such an important thing that could often opens our heart. Opens it to a peacefull and glorious relam of inner satisfaction. An honest or a kind man could never had his mind occupied by the evil. The quote unquote material world can't make no harm to him. So, friends I think in our mind, it is clearly visible that finding inner peace isn't that much tough!

Look aroind you; see, how the pandemic made us to think about ourself in a new way. Millions died. More millions are suffering. If we cotribute something to them even it is small or may be a cordial chat or even a good suggestion, it will make a great impact upon millions. So, my point is that inner peace can't be bought through money or fame. Rather, it could be find easily to some true picture of living life.

However, those who read my posts regularly they might know that I've got the zigzag kinda impression towards my topic. But, I think and believe that whatever the path is, it is the destination which gives the true meaning of the path and the journy as well.

Happy reading.....!

"We started travelling the road;
And the journey became more tempting than the destination!"

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