what Is The Real Mean Of Meditation 🧘‍♂️

Namaskar to all hive members I hope you are in good health and Enjoying with your loved ones.

I am back here with a new post that is what Is The Real Mean Of Meditation 🧘‍♂️

Mediation is a practice for more then a thousand of years, there are huge misconceptions about what it really is?

Most people thinks mediation means a monk siting under a tree or up in mountains or may be near the bank of the rivers. But its not really that much of hard to do you don't have to go anywhere and you don't have be anything.

Everyone can do meditation with any special things, mediation is the way to expect the reality that what you really are.


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To understand mediation, what it really is for that we have to look into out own lives.
The most the time what we really do???

we think , think and think.!!!!
can you stop thinking just for 5 or 10 seconds !
I think can't even stop for a sec of time 5 or 10 seconds is a very big time to stop thinking yet but you can sure do that.

most of the time we all think of the negative things. Thoughts can effects how you feel if you think always +ve the chances are you are +ve if you do the opposite you will become the opposite.

We think a lot most of our thoughts are -ve and they directly affects our emotional state.

What exactly the thinking have to do with mediation? Meditation can decrease the amount of thoughts that are running all round our mind every time.

There is a certain point by which you can achieve the power to not think any thing I have heard that the ninja's can sit on a place quietly for many hours without thinking I don;t know if it's really true or not let me know if you anything about this.

Benefits of Mediation -:

  • +ve emotion.
  • Immune function
  • control over your emotions.
  • ability to focus.
  • decrease stress, anxiety, pain (mental and physical both ) and depression

I hope this post was helpful for you, Thanks a lot for being here. let me know what you think about all of this!!


Thanks & Regards
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