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Some bonds are irreplaceable....!!

"Family" sounds too short but it has a lot of significance in our life. Family is our only refuge where all our favorite faces are located. Wherever we are, at the end of the day we go back to our family. Family has the power of heavenly happiness. When there is no one by your side, people of your family will support you. Family is the most precious gift for everyone.
Today I spent my whole day with my family. Trust me, these feelings cannot be expressed in words.


One of my dearest uncle (choto mama) came to my place yesterday. So I was very happy since Mama came here after so many days. My cousin's house is next to my door so when they heard that Mama had come, they also came to meet him. We hang out together for late night. Then think about what can be done the next day. So we plan to go for a walk next day along the river in the afternoon as it looks so beautiful during monsoon.
But as usual my mother doesn’t want to go as the flow of current water increasing day by day.Actually we should be very careful at this time, just a little bit of unconsciousness can be caused of fatal accident. But we have not given up, all of we try to convince my mother. Finally she agrees to go. After taking lunch, me and my cousins were getting ready as quick as possible , as we were so much exited. After getting ready we were going out and waiting for others, In the mean time we clicked some photos....


We started our journey at 4:30pm towards the bank of river. It takes 20-25 minutes to reach.
After reaching there, we saw there is water here and there. Sky was full of clouds. People were moving there by boat.

Many like us came here to enjoy sight view. We all went there with necessary protection to escape from covid 19.The wind was blowing all around. We enjoyed a lot here. But there were crowds of people all around. We took a lots of picture. How much beautiful the nature is!It cannot be understood without looking closely.The river was full of fresh and clean water. Water was gushing all around.On the other side of the river, I could see villages in tiny size, also many like us were cruising by boat.The sky was cloudy. but it's not raining. Weather was favorable for us.

Here's my mom and dad with me. They are like everything to me. As I am the only child of my parents, they have raised me very fondly. I love them more than anything.


Here is my another mom. She is actually my aunt (boro mami), but I called her MA from childhood. She is very friendly in nature that's why I can share my secrets with her easily.


Here is my two beautiful cousin sisters Atoshe and Abone. We stay together all day long most of times. We share our dress, makeup with each other. Also we have common friend circle so can go to almost everywhere together.


We have two handsome brothers with us today, Adib and Mugdha. Adib is also included to our gang. Mugdha is very younger in age besides they don’t live here. Adib isn't always available as he remains busy playing pubg or free fire all the time. This is so mean !


In the meantime we saw many were dancing and singing together in a shallow boat. They were enjoying a lot. But indeed this is very risky, accidents can happen at any time. Many may not know how to swim.


We didn't want to go home. It seemed like time should stop here but there was nothing to do. We came home a little before evening as those places were not so safe. That's how we spent our day together. Trust me there is something about family time, It just above all of your happiness. Indeed, It was a great day together which will always be remembered.

Opsssssssssss...........wait I think I forgot to upload my single picture So here it is😉


Time to say good bye.Catch you on my next blog.Till then stay home & stay safe.