FEROCITY BATTLE MAGE SECRET - An amazing battle, Beautifully won

Good day wonderful people of splinterlands, it's your every amazing @ambmicheal and I am so excited to be able to show you a battle I admire so much. This match was amazing as I won without loosing any of my monsters throughout the 4rounds of match.

I wish I'd be able to buy the baron bounty card, but at the moment, I don't have enough funds to buy DEC tokens, so I wilk try save up towards subsequent bounty, hopefully I'd never get to miss opportunities like this in the future.

By and large, try getting the cards as they are value for your money. The game generally is really amazing and you'd sure love it.

Without wasting plenty of your time, I would be talking about this beautiful battle I won earlier, with the following ruleset:


This match ended a win for me and none of my monster died throughout the 4 rounds of game play and intensive battle.


Picture Credit

Like I'd always say, the best approach to wining is trying to study your opponent pattern of play by checking his last 5matches.,when You know thier favorite summoner and monsters, you will likely figure a way to counter them and prepare better, well I checked my opponents last battle after which I figured my best approach would be to use Obsidian Summoner in which I did.



This is a very intense match that lasted 4 Rounds with each round seeing one or more of his monster dying, we had enough mana count and as such we could use any monster or summoner of our choice, but since i had checked his past matches, i figured he is a player that likes using magic cards and so I decided to use the Obsidian Summoner because it will give me advantage when using magic cards. After selecting obsidian I had to use a monster with strong melee attack in front and then use another magic monster as disguise so that the first monster will not be attacked directly. Need I mention, none of my 6 Monsters died until the end of the game which is a very great feat.

Below is the match and the game play, I hope you enjoy it as you watch.


Battle Link

Summoner: OBSIDIAN


If you look at the picture above, you will see the obsidian summoner and 4 other monsters that I used in the battle, I combined them in hopes of getting best of results in which I did eventually

Venari Knifer: This monster pose with 8 health and 3 Meele attack on the enemy, it also has the thorn and backfire ability, what this does is that, it poisons the enemy that attacks it and if the attack fails, it backfires on the opposing monster on the opponent.

Venator Kinjo: This monster has the reflection shield ability, camouflage ability, immunity ability, fury ability and also the slow ability. It only has 3 health and 1 melee attack ability and as such, It can't perform well if placed on the frontline at the beginning of the battle.

Fungus Fiend: This fury monster does double attack to targets with the taunt ability, this monster costs zero mana and yet it has 3 Health and 1 melee attack ability.

Goblin Psychic: This monster posses the tank heal ability and as such it tend to heal the monster in the fore front of the battle each it it's his turn to gain reach. It also has 50% affliction chance and if it attacks an enemy, there's chances that the opposing monster cannot be healed. It has 6 Health and 2 Magic attack.

Endless Ape: This is my best monster in the game because of its Scavenger ability, so if a unit dies, this monster gains 1 additional Health. I usually use this monster on the last line so that by the time it's his turn to fight, it must have gained up to 7 health or more. This monster starts with 10 health, 1 Shield and 2 Melee attacks on the opponent, but it doesn't get to act asides to gain health until the monster is on the frontline.


The picture above was taken after I won the match, the happiness feeling that comes after a win can never be expressed in words.

I have more exciting battles I would love to show you and I will be doing that as time goes by through my journey on this space. I might not have best techniques, but as soon as I figure a good or rather better technique, I'd be sure to tell you guys.

Here's me saying a very big thank you for stopping by on my blog and for reading through, means a whole lot to me. You guys are indeed very amazing.


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