After all

  • After all

It's been 2 months since I separated from my relationship of 8 years, and moving as I can and how life goes, one begins to see the circumstances in which he lived and constructively sees all the positives, and continue learning from the bad , in hive I learned that I had a place to be, earn rewards and create content that makes me happy, today, even if I don't have the time to do better, it is a place that will continue to be.
After working on something that did not satisfy me, today with the therapeutic accompaniment I am able to find that satisfaction that I never had while working, it made it impossible for me to continue daily with the idea of doing things that I did not like every day of my life, and knowing that for a certain time (and a long time) I should keep doing it. Now my panorama has changed, it has changed and I can be calmer, but things like the separation are issues that I overcome and it continues to hurt me surely because of my personal and life history, but they are things of life itself, and you have to learn about the ways of relating and the types of links that we can generate.
Now I have a lot of work, this one that I like and that every day can surprise me with any type of novelty, rejoice in the progress of my patients and accompany them in the challenges to be able to be a tool for their daily life to the point of not needing me. , I go back to college, and there I also touched on things that in the past generated some challenges for me because of the place where I was, luckily I managed to find in psychoanalytic therapy with the word and the unsaid things that happen to me and I precede in a way that we pass as common but have an important background that determines our future behaviors.

💜Have time for yourself, enjoy and keep living and give yourself the space to cry, it's okay to be wrong💜

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