Healthy Refreshing Minty Orange Lemonade With Ice Recipe πŸƒπŸ‹πŸŠπŸ΅.

Happy start to the new beautiful week dear friends and healthy drinklovers. Hope we all enjoyed ourselves through the weekend alongside our loved πŸ₯° ones. And it was indeed a great and memorable weekend as Sunday was a special one for mothers celebrating Mother’s Day. Shout out to all mothers here and even every woman πŸ‘©πŸ». Its was an awesome weekend guys.

And for my today’s recipe friends I bring you some healthy refreshing mintyπŸƒ lemonade πŸ‹, adding some oranges 🍊 for that citrus richness with ice 🧊 cubes to dehydrate . This kind of drink is all we need for a hot day. Its simple and straightforward with just the availability of the right ingredients. A mashed blend full of flavor and aroma to the last sip.

Here I show you the step by step for the preparation of this flavor aroma minty 🍡


One large fresh lemon πŸ‹
1 large orange 🍊
Some leaves πŸƒ of mint.
1/2 glass ice water πŸ’¦
1 tablespoon of premium sugar
Pack of ice 🧊 cubes


Step 1.

I will start by washing and sterilizing the mint πŸƒleaves. Then will slice it thinly.

Step 2.

I will wash the orange thoroughly, slice half of it , the other half I will squeeze to bring out its water as above .

The first sliced half I will cut in bits. as shown here.

Step 3.

The lemon πŸ‹ I will wash thoroughly too, cut and slice it in bits.

Step 4.

To mash the ingredients together. I have got this bowl mix here

Step 5.

Will add the orange 🍊 into the bowl πŸ₯£ , then add the lemon πŸ‹, the minty leaves πŸƒ

Step 6.

I will mash the ingredients together to properly extract their juices.

Step 7.

And will add the half glass of ice 🧊 water and the squeezed orange 🍊 water into the mashed ingredients

Step 8.

Then I added 1 tablespoon of premium sugar to the mixture and stir them properly evenly.

Step 9..

Will serve adding the bits of lemons πŸ‹ minty πŸƒ and orange 🍊 with its juice and some ice cubes 🧊 .

What a chilled combination of minty lemonade πŸƒπŸ‹πŸ΅ we have here. Its as delicious as its looking with flavor and aroma. The heatwave can’t ever stand this. A trail will definitely convince us πŸ˜†. I recommend this simple lemonade to you guys especially as we can’t wait for summer β˜€οΈπŸ˜Ž.

Cheers πŸ₯‚ to the new week guys with lots of success. Thanks for reading and supporting. Sending love and blessings β€οΈπŸ˜‡.

All images are mine.

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