My style oyen ice


Hello Hivers

Hello friends, I'm back to concocting an extraordinary drink, which is the first time I'm trying to mix this type of drink, the unique name makes me curious, es oyen which is a typical drink from the Bandung area, but because of the ingredients used are almost the same as Es Teler, so I tried it, and it turned out that the results were exactly what I expected, and to start with, prepare the following ingredients

Main ingredients


If Es Teler uses coconut milk, then not with this drink, apart from that there are also several other ingredients, and the method of preparation is also different from Es Teler, the details of the ingredients I use to mix this drink are as follows

  • 1 young coconut (just take the meat)
  • one corn (take the seeds)
  • Pearl sago /pacar cina
  • 100gr melon
  • one avocado
  • 5 jackfruit meats that have been seeded
  • 100gr Cincau
  • 5 Kolang-kaling
  • Two spoons of granulated sugar (dissolved)
  • sweetened condensed milk 70gr
  • Ice cubes

Now, all the ingredients that will be needed to make this drink, and the way to make it is a little complicated, because there are sago pearls used in this drink, we need a few minutes to boil the sago pearls until they expand, in more detail, let's discuss the steps directly. to make this viral yany drink

Step 1


First, boil sago pearls with the size measure you want, here I boil two spoons of sago pearls and add 500 ml of water, boil until everything expands, but when boiling this sago pearls, don't leave it because the cooking water dries up very quickly even though the sago pearls haven't expanded , and it takes almost half an hour, for all the sago pearls to swell and the boiled water has also dried up, after that cool the sago pearls while doing other things

step 2



Steps and so on we just put in the ingredients it doesn't take long to do that, for this step just prepare the container where you want to mix this drink, and put ice cubes for the first ingredient, followed by the young coconut meat that has been just take the meat, I suggest using a young coconut whose contents are full, as I show in the picture above, you can drink the coconut water because we don't use it here

step 3



Next, put in Kolang-kaling and thin it first, after that add the grass jelly that has been diced, just add 100 grams of grass jelly for one portion, while you can cut it according to your taste

The ingredients that are included are very influential in terms of how they look later when they are ready, therefore, I suggest that you just follow the steps that I shared to enter the ingredients in the order, until this step, the results are as shown in the last image

step 4


Then cut the melon according to your taste, and here I cut the cubes for the melon, and after that, cut the jackfruit in an elongated shape like the one in the photo above, put everything in a container, then the appearance will look like the picture I shared

Today, I mixed this drink in a hut in front of my house, and was assisted by my little nephew who was behind the camera, but the photos didn't disappoint, didn't I? I myself wasn't feeling well and looked pale, but because I bored so I purposely concocted the drink so I could share it with all my friends who are here, now we will continue the discussion again

step 5



After that, put in the avocado flesh and just scrape it roughly, you don't need to mash it like making teler ice, this is what I said before that the way to make es oyen and es teler is much different, including the ingredients as well, then continue by adding all the corn sweet that has been boiled and separated from the dregs, then the final result will look like in the picture

step 6



The last step, enter the solution of two tablespoons of granulated sugar that has been prepared, here I use 20 ml of hot water to dissolve the sugar, you can also adjust it if you want it to taste even sweeter, for this size the taste is not too sweet, because I don't like excessive sweetness, and after that put all the sago pearls and follow with two packets of sweetened condensed milk with a size of 38gr per sachet, but I don't use all of the sweetened condensed milk, in this step you can follow or do it according to your wishes respectively

Up to this point, all the steps have been completed, and it remains only to see the final result, here are some pictures for the final result that I took on the right side of my mother's flower garden





Well, that's the result of our struggle this time, everything is the result of my own creations, I just searched for the ingredients on the internet, and this is the first time I've made this type of drink, I shared the drink with my family, and no comments anything about it, because of that I feel happy and according to what I expected, this drink can also be a new menu idea that I will add to my mother's stall menu list, especially since fasting is in sight, I will try this idea when fasting later, where people will hunt for sweet drinks to break the fast, and what do you think about my creations, do you like them?


Because I'm not feeling well, I didn't enjoy this drink I made, just tasted it a little to make sure all the flavors were right, and above is the mixture of all the ingredients that you can see when I stirred all the portions in a larger container, this is the portion that large, can be enjoyed by 5-6 people, at the same time it will also be the closing of our meeting, thank you and see you soon

Note; all pictures were taken with a smartphone camera and edited with picsart

Good luck🙏🍻

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