Cucumber Ginger Lemon Mint Juice

Hello everyone
Well its time to make a special Drink, Cucumber Ginger Lemon Mint Juice. It’s a mixed juice. Its much strong to drink but much important for human health. Cucumber for refreshment and Ginger for others solve problem.

This drink is much good for human health. Ginger help to recover damage cell from human body. Its contain antioxidant , also good for gas problem. Cucumber is specially good for maintain blood presser, solving heart problem. So its much good for human. In other hand everyone know that mint is specially for digestive system , improving brain and also good for breathing system..

### Ingredient

  1. Cucumber 1 Piece
    2. Ginger small piece
  2. Mint leaf 20gm
  3. Lemon 1 piece


Starting with peeing the cucumber. Its much important . some people don’t like to peeling but you can also make this with out peeling…

Now cut this cucumber in to small pieces. And take all this in blender jar, I am cutting is small pieces because its more easy to blending.

add a lemon piece . actually I am smached the lemon and take this in blender jar..

Now take piece of ginger. I am peeling this properly and then add it to blender jar.
Now time to add mint leafs. You know I am using much because I love mint flavor..

Add water and Time to blend everything properly , its much important to blend properly . after blending properly I am using a strainer to filter everything. So I am taking a glass and take all this in this glass..

Adding a piece of lemon and straw and also a mint leaf to make look better. Now our drink is ready.

Thanks for your time

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