Blending up a healthy and flavorful homemade juice

Hello everyone, welcome to the Amazing Drinks community. Today I will be making pineapple juice.

When it comes to making juice, you don't need all the ingredients in the world; once you know what you want to do, any ingredients you choose will be perfect for the juice.

Meanwhile, some fruits are just too perfect for any kind of juice you want to make, just like pineapple.

The main reason why I love using pineapple a lot is because it contains lots of things that would benefit human health, e.g., zinc, calcium, and iron. Aside from all that, pineapple is a good source of antioxidants, and it also contains vitamins and minerals that are good for skin, bones, and, of course, the immune. Those are what make me use pineapple a lot for my juice or smoothie.

Ingredients are:

Pineapple (800kg)
Black currant (5g)
OrangeFlavorr (5 g)
Water (1¹/² lit)


As you can see, the ingredients are not much at all, but trust me when I say the outcome of the juice was so delicious, sweet, and smooth for drinking. So let's get into the process and see how I made my blended juice.

I peeled off the pineapple, cut it into smaller pieces, and packed them inside a clean plate.

After that, I transferred it into a blender, and then I blended it for two minutes so that it would be easy to sieve for me. I didn't add water because pineapple has lots of juice that would serve as water for blending.

After blending, I placed a strainer in a clean bowl, turned the blended pineapple into the strainer, and then used a tablespoon to press it down until I got all the juice out. Then I threw the shaft away.

I transferred the pineapple juice into a bigger bowl, and then I cut the orange flavor and the black currant and poured them inside the pineapple juice.

I added one and a half liters of water to the pineapple juice with the flavor, then I mixed them with a turning stick.

Lastly, I added the ice cube for it to be chilled for drinking.

And now that my pineapple juice is ready to be served, you all need to taste how sweet this was, I transferred some into the jar for pictures.

I hope you like my healthy pineapple juice.

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