Grapes and apple juice.

Hello namaste 🙏how are you? I hope everyone is doing great. I'm doing well too. I hope you all had a great weekend. Today, I'm sharing with you the recipe for making grape and apple juice, which is very easy to make and has many benefits.

Grape and apple juice is a healthy and refreshing drink. You'll need only a few ingredients to make it.


  1. 7-8 grapes
  2. 1 apple
  3. Optional: 1 tablespoon sugar
  4. Black salt
  5. Ice cubes
  6. I have ground mint available

I am making this juice for my child, one glass.


  1. First, wash the grapes and apple well and cut them into small pieces.

  1. Now, in a blender, add sugar (if desired), and mint, and blend well for about 1-2 minutes.

  1. Now, add ice cubes to a glass and pour the juice over them. Serve chilled.

Drinking grape and apple juice has many benefits. It helps in making your skin glow and improves digestion. Additionally, it strengthens your immune system and provides you with energy.

So, try this delicious and healthy grape and apple juice today and serve it to your family and friends. It will be very beneficial for your health.

Thanks for reading my blog 🙏

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