Boon for health cucumber juice.

Hello, namaste. How are you all? I hope you're all doing well and enjoying the weekend. I'm doing good too, and today I'm sharing a recipe for making cucumber juice with you all. As you all know, consuming cucumber during the summer season is highly beneficial for health. We are slowly moving towards summers, or we can also say that summer has arrived, and with the onset of summers, we all pay more attention to healthy drinks.

To protect the body from heat and dehydration, we consume foods and drinks that keep our body hydrated because dehydration can lead to various health problems. To prevent dehydration, you can consume cucumber, watermelon, muskmelon, sugarcane juice, or any other juice that keeps your body hydrated. So, let's learn how to make it. To make this juice, you will need.

🍀1. 1 cucumber
🍀2. 1 lemon
☘️3. Mint leaves
☘️4. Roasted cumin powder
☘️5. Black salt (as per taste)

✅Now, let's see the method.

  1. First, peel the cucumber and lemon.

  1. Cut them into pieces and put them in a blender along with water.

  1. Add black salt and mint leaves or sugar according to taste, then blend them all together until smooth.

  1. Strain the mixture using a strainer with bigger holes.

  1. juice is ready to be served. If you consume it daily, you will get very good results.

I hope you all liked this amazing drink, and you enjoy it during the summer season. Thanks for reading my blog.
Thanks for supporting me.🙏🙏

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