Rose Milk and Basil Seeds Cooler

Hello All..

How are you. Trust doing good. I am also doing well.

Today I want to share with you all about my recent creation. It is Rose Flavoured Milk with Basil Seeds, watermelon and rose flavoured jelly. Its a perfect drink for summer to quench your thrust and can give you instant relief from summer heat.

Let me share the recipe and preparation with you.


  1. Rose Syrup
  2. Milk
  3. Basil Seeds
  4. Watermelon
  5. China Grass to prepare Jelly
  6. Ice - If required.


For preparing jelly take water in a pan and add rose syrup and stir well so that rose syrup mix with water. Add 2-3 gms of China Grass strand in it and soak for 10 minutes. Then put the pan on gas and boil the rose water stirring continiously until China Grass completely dissolves. Let it cool on room temperature and once cool keep it in refrigerator for some time. Once the Jelly is comppetely set, cut it into small cubes.

Soak 2 table spoon of Basil Seeds in 1 cup water. Its size will increase after soaking.

Cut the watermelon into small pieces.

Keep all the ingredients in the fridge to make it chilled


Take a tall glass. Add some soaked basil seeds. Then add rose syrup and chilled milk into it and mix well so that rose syrup properly mix with milk. The colour of the milk will turn pink after mixing the rose syrup. You can adjust the quantity of the rose syrup as per the sweetness you require.

Now add some chopped watermelon pieces and jelly pieces into the glass and stir it once.

Our drink is ready now. You can top it with more watermelon and jelly pieces to make it more appealing. I have not used ice here as I used chilled milk. If you want you can add 1-2 ice cubes but don't add more otherwise milk will become watery.

Enjoy your drink chilled..

I hope you like this quick and easy recipe and try it once.

Thank you 😊

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