Hive top chef herbs Herbal tea for flu and cold

Hello, community and @qurator team here is my entry for this time's contest herbs.
I use lots of herbs almost every day. But I think this is the best recipe everybody needs at the beginning of autumn.

4 leaves of lemon grass
2 sprigs of tulsi Holi basil
1 all spices leaf
3 vasaka Adathoda vasica
12 black peppercorns
3 cm fresh ginger
1 tsp cane sugar.

Pick all herbs from the garden and wash them. You can use a dried one.
Cut them into small pieces.

Crush black peppercorns and ginger using mortar and pestle.


In a pan mix all herbs and spices and add 3 cups of water.

cook it until water is reduced to 1.5 cups.


Add approx 1 tsp cane sugar.


Strain and drink warm.

The herbs and spices I used here are the short descriptions of them.
Lemongrass: In ayurvedic medicine, we use lemongrass in tea form for flu and common cold Because it contains vitamin C. The oils in lemon grass can also help dry excess mucus, loosen phlegm in the lungs, clear the entire respiratory system, including nasal passage, and improve breathing.

Vasaka: Adathoda Vasica is a potent Ayurvedic plant that enhances the respiratory system. The plant has manifold curative properties to heal breathing trouble, cough, cold, nasal congestion, sore throat, asthma, bronchitis, and other upper respiratory tract infections.

Tulsi: Tulsi is commonly known as holy basil, Tulsi is cultivated for religious and traditional medicine purposes, and also for its essential oil. It is widely used as an herbal tea, commonly used in Ayurveda to improve anorexia, taste in the mouth,anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and an effective expectorant. We say it is the elixir of life
All spices: It is a mixture of clove, cardamom, and cinnamon.
So all benefits from those spices make the body warm and produce heat. Reduce cough, and soreness of the throat, and work as an anti-bacterial.
Ginger: In Ayurveda, we use it for overall health problems But here I mention it for cough, breathing disorders rhinitis, hiccoughs, relieving pain, and reducing colds.
Jaggery: Used for asthma and allergic conditions because jaggery contains iron and iron increases hemoglobin which increases the oxygen level in the blood and helps to relieve asthma breathing difficulties.
Thank you.

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