It is really a good thing that nature has provided us with natural elements that can produce nutritional herbal and delicious drinks, rather than depend on carbonated drinks that are risky to our health. There are several type of drinks in existence in our contemporary world ranging from carbonated drinks, smoothies made from natural and healthy fruits like mangoes, pineapples, cucumber, carrots, oranges and so on. The kind of drinks one wants to incorporate into his or her body system is based on choice. There are different reasons why people drink what they like and I do not discriminate. Ever since I stumbled on a research that certain drinks and necessary for certain health issues.

Two bottles of preserved zobo drinks

For instance, there are people who cannot and should not take carbonated drinks because of the high amount of sugar added to it. while on the other hand, there are people who cannot do without taking carbonated drinks because it is necessary to boost their health. My point exactly is that, this set of people need this sugary drinks for energy boosting and for sugar level boosting especially athletes who run race or play football for a long while on field they need this sugar to boost their energy, also one time I heard that when you are feeling low or dizzy and shaky you should drink a bottle of Coke. I also experienced when an elderly woman was frantically looking for a bottle of Coke to calm her down because she was experiencing low sugar levels. Why all these are acceptable for such kind of people it is also advisable that it should be done in moderation.

It's been a while I took carbonated drinks and this is because it has a huge effect on my body system as a woman, ever since I switched to natural drinks I have felt a kind of difference in my body system especially during my menstruation. it is a known fact that taking of too much sugar can lead to heavy bleeding during periods. Hence, I have Incorporated the habit of taking leafy smoothies that can provide necessary nutrients needed to replace blood loss, these include nutrients like iron calcium vitamins like k, C, E, B12 and so on.

My favorite drink at the moment is called ZOBO a popular healthy tea in Nigeria also known as hibiscus tea. One thing I love about this drink is that you can prepare it homemade or you can get it to buy anywhere outside for a cheaper price. It is a very popular drink and the ingredients to prepare it are easy to come by in the market and it does not require stress or a lot of effort to prepare it. All that is needed to prepare this favorite drink includes:

  • zobo leaves which is the hibiscus tea
  • water
  • pineapple peel
  • ginger
  • cloves

How to prepare ZOBO drink

Like I mentioned earlier it requires a minimum of 15 minutes and the maximum of 20 minutes to prepare a completely healthy zobo drink. All that is required is that you measure the amount of zobo leaves you want to cook, then you wash them thoroughly and put them in a big pot. Place the pot on the fire and add enough water, after this you add other ingredients such as cloves, pounded fresh ginger, you peel the back of your pineapple and add the peeled back. You can add sugar if you want but for it to be a to completely healthy drink you can avoid that as the other ingredients are enough to sweeten it.

In view of all that has been said, the zobo drink is a very healthy drink and is highly recommended to carbonated drinks, this is because it has high nutritional value and has antioxidant properties as a necessary element to boost the immune system and be healthy. I like this drink served code it's very refreshing and relaxing at the same time. Incorporating this drink into your diet can bring about a healthy lifestyle.

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