Music and drinks to celebrate (Mini comment contest # 1)

Photo by Jazek Dudzinski

Hi #drinkslover, wherever you are in the world and the galaxy! Here @sirenahippie

Today we start a new type of contests in the Amazing Drinks community. This is a mini comment contest, that is, to participate YOU WILL ONLY MAKE ONE COMMENT ON THIS POST, it is NOT necessary that you participate with a post, just a good comment that you will leave at the end of this post. This week's topic is: MUSIC AND DRINKS TO CELEBRATE.

We have chosen this topic, because many times music and drinking (alcoholic or not) go hand in hand, as it is a way to celebrate. When we talk about celebrations, they can be birthdays, anniversaries, marriages, births, graduations, personal and professional achievements and successes... in short, there are many reasons to celebrate and toast.


  • We are sponsored by our friend @bhattg who has offered @ecency points for contest winners.

Amazing Drinks Contest (please read carefully the conditions and prizes)

For this occasion we want you to make a comment which you will write at the end of this post. This comment will be related to MUSIC AND DRINKS TO CELEBRATE. However, there are certain conditions for you to participate:


  • You will make a comment, either in English or Spanish, of at least 100 words.

  • In this comment you will tell us what song and what drink are present in your celebrations and why.

  • You will also share the YouTube link of that song with us.

  • You are free to include in that comment a photo (of your property), whether of the celebration, the song or the drink.

  • The drink can be alcoholic or not, and can also be vegan or not. It's your decision.

  • You can comment as many times as you want, but you can only participate with a single comment (1 comment per user). To identify it you can write: THIS IS MY PARTICIPATION IN THE MINI CONTEST, at the beginning of your comment.

  • Be original: no old or plagiarized content, and NO AI! (the comment that engages in these practices will be disqualified).

  • Reblog this post if you can.

  • Invite a friend!

  • Interact with others!

  • This mini-contest ends at the expiration of this post.


  • We have 3 Hive and 300 $foodie token to distribute among the three (3) best comments.

  • Plus there are @ecency points from our sponsor @bhattg

We hope you have a lot of fun with this themed contest Amazing Drinks!

We look forward to your participation!


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Posted using Ecency Coin

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