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Recycling|| A Reminder To smile

Hello lovely people ✨

I present to you another craft I made using that means to recycle some materials. This is supposed to be a picture frame but I just realised that all my pictures are softcopy and I didn't have any picture to put in here, so I improvised.

I am terrible at calligraphy and I know it but I always manage to scribble out something and this brings great joy. The materials to make this craft were readily available at home and the idea to make the craft just popped
up, it was swift but innovative.

The Materials

  • Carton
  • Calendar
  • Cardboard (hardcopy photos)
  • Gum
  • Scissors/cutter
  • Ruler
  • Pencil


To make this craft, first you make a clean cut circle. I used a round plate to draw my circle. After drawing the circle on the carton, you carve it out.

After carving it out, do well to use the same measurement to carve two circles on the calendar.

Once you're done with the circles, you go for the rectangle. You would want to cut a rectangle on one of the circles made from the calendar. Make sure to cut a size that would fit your picture perfectly. In these cases, your well wish message. I wrote 'smile' on my own. You're at liberty to write anything you like.

After that, carve out the picture frame holder(rectangle). Try to make it as slender as possible. Cover it up with a calendar also.

The last attachment would be the little hearts by the side. Making a heart is very easy and I've shown the steps in the video.

Once you're done with the hearts, it's time for the coupling of the frame. By coupling, I mean, attaching the calendar to the carton, fixing your picture, attaching your heart and lastly placing your holder in the right position. Be careful while placing your holder as any slight mistake can lead to a crooked picture frame.

What do you think of the frame? Do you like it? I think a lot whenever I sit at my work table and most times I forget to smile and straighten the nerves on my face, hehehe. This picture frame would remind me to always smile.

PS: pardon my fingernails and the poor lighting. My right thumb holds the evidence that I voted and the left thumb is a manicure disaster. About the light, I had to use a lamp.

Thank you for watching

With love, wongi ✨

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