Doing a proper maintenance to my standing fan.

Hello guys,it something pains me when you know how to do something and you end up paying for what you have already know. I try to learn something new incase of when they will be useful. I might not really need it immediately but I know it will surely get to a day which I will need it.

It happened that some days ago, around my vicinity, the power supply is t stabilise due to the power breakage which happens from the poll which supplies light to my area. At some time in the night, the power supplied to the home got beyond the normal one which was suppose to be supplied. I was using a stabiliser which will protect excessive power supply from harming the appliances I am using.

When this light become too much, it affected the fan and I had to give it to an electrician to repair. The painful part is that what happened to the fan was something I could do but I had to pay $10 for the service he rendered. Unfortunately, after he brought the fan back to me, I discovered he didn't do what was expected of him to do because the fan was not in a good condition.

I had to go back to the fan, seat down with it and took my tools and check through for what might be the main problem to the fan. While I was checking I discover the wires was not firm and some mechanical part in the fan was not in the good condition and the right placement. I sat down with it and sorted everything that needed attention for the fan to work like a normal standing fan.

When I discovered that I was the one that finally sorted the problem of the fan, I was so pissed and annoyed Because, I should have spent much money paying him for the service he didn't render. What I just believe is that we learn everyday and he has used his smartness to outsmart me there by allowing me to pay for the work not done.

End Result

Now I can enjoy my fan and sleep till any time I like because there won't be any noise from the fan anymore and I won't need to pay anyone to get my fan done from hence forth.

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