Discovering New Skills Through DIY: How I Revamped Our Church Microphones.

In the process of doing it yourself, there are a lot of things you will discover that will make you a better version of yourself, and this can only happen when you do something. Today, I will be sharing a DIY photo of a microphone connection, which I did today. It's almost time for ordination in my church, and the microphones we have are not in a good shape.

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We, the choir, created a way of contributing some amount of money to get the things we need in the choir. At the end of the day, we were able to get some things like the wire for connection, cannon to jack, jack to jack cable, and speak on.

After we got it, we needed an engineer to fix everything for us because the people in charge were scared of using just anyone to fix it. So I had to make myself available to do it, but at first I was doubting myself, but I knew I could do it because it's been a while I worked on electrical devices, so I was thinking it will be a bit difficult.

When we started, it was a bit stressful because. It's been a while, and I was fixing just a mix cord for more than 30 minutes, and I was about to give up on myself. I was trying to summon courage to fix it the more and after some minutes spent on it, I was able to fix one side, but the other side wasn't staying glued because I hadn't gotten hold of it.

After some trial and error, I got it fixed and gave it to our leader to test and confirm if it will work or not. Lo and behold, after it had been tested, it passed the test. It was working fine. I was very happy, and everyone was happy that I was able to fix it, too.

I continued fixing the remaining ones, cutting their wires down, and eventually I was able to fix new cords for the mic, and now the singers and the instrumentalists will have more mics to use for whatever they need them for. It feels so good to do what you love to do when you have the chance to do it, and I was proud I learned something new while trying to fix these new cords for the microphone.

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