DIY; from recycling to a simple home decoration

Hello everyone welcome to DIY community where you can learn from others and also show your talents in crafts as well.
So today I will be recycling my waste toothbrush for a simple home decoration, throwing some things away is not what I like especially when I know I can recycle them.

There are lots of toothbrushes in my store that are used, I have been keeping them for DIY but I haven't seen what I could do with them, but today I have an idea of a simple home decoration so let's get started and see what I can do with the toothbrushes.

Materials are:

Needle and thread (white and black thread)
Decoration ribbon

The process

I made use of the scissors to cut the mouth of the toothbrush away because I didn't need them, after all, they are used.

I removed a single thread but I noticed that it was too tiny to wrap something so I doubled it.

I started wrapping the double thread on the toothbrush stick until it covered up the stick, I made use of gum to stick the tip of the thread so that it wouldn't lose by the time I dropped it.

I wrapped two toothbrush sticks with white and the other were wrapped with black thread.

I put a black thread inside the needle and then made use of it to sew all the toothbrush sticks together, I could have used gum but I wanted the thread all through.

I sew them together to form a square shape.

After that, I cut the decoration ribbons into a smaller shape, folded them, and then put a pin through each one of them.

I pin the ribbon on each angle of the square shape and in the middle of the square shape.

I sewed a design I cut from an old slipper at the tip of the square shape and also put in some beads so that I could cover the black thread.

Lastly, I tie a thread on top which will serve as the hanger.

The recycling for simple home decoration is ready, I hope you like it.

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